
Constitution of the Association

Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1
This organization is officially known as the Chinese Society of Veterinary Pathology (CSVP)
Article 2
The society is a non-profit social organization set up in accordance with laws and regulations. Our objectives are: to promote the education, study, development, promotion and international exchange of veterinary pathology.
Article 3
The society’s organizational area is the national administrative region, and subordinate associations may be established.
Article 4
The society is located where the regulatory authority is located and branches may be established with the approval of the regulatory authority. General rules for the branches will be set by the council and obtain approval from the regulatory authority. Change of society and branch locations should be reported to the regulatory authority.
Article 5
Our mission:
I. To promote further study and research in veterinary pathology.
II. To accept commissions from the government to assess professional veterinary pathologists.
III. To host veterinary pathology conferences and seminars.
IV. To connect with both national and international veterinary pathology academic groups, research facilities and animal disease prevention and control facilities and to promote scholarly exchange.
V. To accept commissions for holding training programs as well as assisting in animal disease diagnoses and evaluations.
VI. To be published in scientific journals.
Article 6
The Ministry of the Interior is the regulatory authority of the society. The society’s aim and mission fall under the jurisdiction of the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan as well as the Ministry of Education. The society’s business undertakings should be guided and supervised by relevant authorities.

Chapter II Members

Article 7
Requirements for eligibility:
I. Individual applicants: Individuals who agree with the aim of the society, are over twenty years of age, have a veterinary degree (or a related field) from local or international colleges, and work or conduct research in the field of pathology can apply. An applicant must be recommended by two existing members and reviewed by the council and pay the membership fee to become an individual member.
II. Student applicants: Students who agree with the aim of the society, are over twenty years of age and are active students in a veterinary college in a local or international college (student ID is needed as a proof) and are interested in pathology can apply to be a student member. An applicant must be recommended by two existing members and reviewed by the council and pay the membership fee to become a student member. A student member may participate in scholarly events held by the society but has no right to vote, to elect, to be elected or to recall. A student member loses membership upon graduation.
III. Group members: A group which agrees with the aim of the society, is in the field related to animal disease diagnosis, research and health care can apply. The group has to be reviewed by the council and pay the membership fee to become a group member. A representative should be appointed to exercise membership rights.
IV. Sponsor members: A group or individual who sponsors the society through monetary donation or other means can apply. The applicant must be recommended by two existing members and be reviewed by the council. Sponsor membership is reviewed every year. Sponsor members may participate in the scholarly events held by the society but has no right to vote, to elect, to be elected and to recall.
V. Permanent members: Any existing member who pays ten years of annual fees in one payment and passes the review by the council may become a permanent member. The payment of permanent members is used as the revolving fund of the society’s operation. The society will have a different set of guidelines for its use.
Article 8
Members (representative) have the right to vote, to elect, to be elected and to recall. Every member (representative) has one vote, except a sponsor member and a student member.
Article 9
All members are responsible for observing the society’s guidelines and resolutions, as well as paying the membership fee.
Article 10
If a member (or representative) violates a law, society guidelines or resolutions, or fails to pay the membership fee for three consecutive years, or disobeys the resolutions of the society, the council has the right to issue warnings or suspend the member’s rights. If the member seriously endangers the society in any way, the council has the right to dismiss the member.
Article 11
If a member loses his/her right or has been dismissed from the society, the member is therefore disaffiliated.
Article 12
A member may submit reasons for withdrawal from the society in written form.

Chapter III Structure and Authority

Article 13
The members’ congress has the highest authority in the society.
When the number of members exceeds 300, the members are divided by areas and 50 representatives will be elected according to the member ratio of each area. When representatives are elected, the members’ congress will be held and perform the rights and responsibilities. Each representative will be in office for a three-year term. Election procedures will be set by the council and reported to the regulatory authority.
Article 14
The members’ congress has the following authorities:
1. Set and amend the constitution.
2. Hold elections and recall a council member or supervisor.
3. Determine the admission fee, annual membership dues, funds for public undertakings as well as member donation amounts and methods.
4. Compiling annual schedules, reports, budgets and financial statements.
5. Resolutions on dismissals of members (or representatives).
6. Disposal of properties.
7. Dissolution of the society.
7. Dissolution of the society.
Other important matters referred to in the article above are to be determined by the council.
Article 15
There are 15 directors and 5 supervisors elected by members (representatives). The directors and supervisors set up a council and a board of supervisors.
When elections are held, a wait list of 5 directors and 1supervisor are selected according to the number of their votes. In case a vacancy occurs, it will be filled by the members on the list. The current council has to compile a list of recommended candidates for the new directors and supervisors. Elections for directors and supervisors can be done through mail-in votes; however, mail-in voting cannot be done in consecutive terms. Election methods should be submitted to the regulatory authority by the council to be examined and approved prior to implementation.
Article 16
Rights and obligations of the council:
1. Examine members’ (representatives’) qualifications.
2. Elect and recall standing directors and chairmen.
3. Ruling on resignation of directors, standing directors and chairmen.
4. Personnel appointment and removal.
5. Draw up annual plans, reports, budgets and financial statements.
6. Other matters that should be implemented.
Article 17
The board of directors should set up 5 standing directors, elected amongst the directors. A chairman should be elected from the standing directors by the directors.
The chairman manages and oversees the running of the society and represents the society. The chairman also heads the president of the members’ congress and the board of directors.
If the chairman is unable to perform his/her duties, a deputy should be appointed from the standing directors. If a deputy is not appointed, the standing directors should appoint one amongst each other.
When the chairman or standing director’s positions are vacant, by-elections should be done within a month.
Article 18
Rights and obligations of the board of supervisors:
1. Supervise the work of the council.
2. Audit the annual financial statement.
3. Elect and recall the standing supervisors.
4. Rule on the resignation of supervisors and standing supervisors.
5. Other matters that should be checked.
Article 19
The board of supervisors should set up 1 standing supervisor, elected amongst the supervisors. The standing supervisor oversees routine affairs and heads the board of supervisors.
If the standing supervisor is unable to perform his/her duties, a deputy should be appointed from the supervisors. If a deputy is not appointed, the supervisors should appoint one amongst each other.
Article 20
Both director and supervisors are unpaid positions. A term is three-years long and there is the possibility of re-election. The chairman is limited to one re-election only.
Article 21
If any of the following occurs, a director or a supervisor shall be relieved from the position immediately:
1. Disqualified as a member (representative).
2. Resigned and approved by the council or board of supervisors.
3. Dismissed or removed.
4. Suspended from the rights for a period that is longer than half of the term.
Article 22
There is one secretary-general, working directly under the chairman tending to the affairs of the society. The society also employs a small number of staff to help with routine matters and they are nominated by the chairman and approved by the council and regulatory authority. The dismissal of the secretary-general shall be reported to the regulatory authority first. The secretary-general cannot be a member with an elected office. Staff rights and obligations shall be determined by the council.
Article 23
Different committees, teams or internal organizations may be set up. The rules for setting up such organizations are drafted by the council and reported to the regulatory authority for approval prior to becoming effective. Changes in the rules shall also be reported for approval.
Article 24
The council may appoint an honorary chairman, several directors and supervisors. The office period is the same as the directors and supervisors.

Chapter 4 Meetings

Article 25
There are 2 types of members’ congress: regular meetings and interim meetings. Both meetings are convened by the chairman. To call a meeting for the members’ congress, a notice in written form shall be given 15 days in advance, except for a case of emergency.
Regular meetings are held once a year. Interim meetings are held when the council sees a need, when more than one fifth of the members request a meeting, or the board of supervisors’ requests in written form.
Article 26
When a member (representative) is unable to attend the members’ congress, another member can be the proxy through written authorization. A member is limited to act as a proxy for one other member only.
Article 27
If more than half of the members are present at the meeting, a resolution of the members’ congress is valid according to the majority of votes of those present. However, certain cases require more than two thirds of the members present to agree. These cases are: drafting or amendments made to the constitution, dismissal of members (representatives), recall of directors or supervisors, disposal of properties, dissolution of the society or other important matters related to member rights and obligations. After the society is registered as a legal person, amendments made to the constitution are only valid if more than three fourths of the members who are present agree, or more than two thirds of all members agree in written form.
Article 28
The council and board of supervisors shall hold a meeting every six months, and call for an interim meeting or joint meeting when necessary.
Article 29
Directors and supervisors shall attend, in person, meetings for the council or the board of supervisors. Two consecutive absences without due cause will be regarded as a resignation.

Chapter 5 Funds and Accounting

Article 30
The society’s sources of funds are as follows:
1. Admission fee: individual members NT$1000 per member, group members NT$2000 per group. It is paid upon admission. Student and sponsor members do not pay the admission fee.
2. Annual membership dues: individual members NT$500, group members NT$3000 and student members NT$250. If ten years of annual membership dues are paid in one lump sum, the member becomes a permanent member and is exempted from paying the annual membership dues.
3. Member donations.
4. Entrusted incomes.
5. Fund and its interest.
6. Other sources.
Article 31
The society’s accounting year is based on the calendar year, from January 1st to December 31st of every year.
Article 32
The council shall compile annual plans, reports, budget for income and expenses and employee pay and benefits two months prior to the start of every accounting year. The reports and budgets are to be submitted to the members’ congress for approval. In the case of a delayed members’ congress, the reports shall be submitted to a joint meeting of the council and board of directors for approval. The reports are also to be submitted to the regulatory authority for approval. Within two months of the end of each accounting year, the council shall compile an annual work report, annual financial statement, cash-flow statement, balance sheet, general inventory, and fund revenue and expenditure statement. These reports are submitted to the board of supervisors for examination and be returned to the council with an examiner’s amendment/report. The reports are then submitted to the members’ congress for approval. The approved reports are to be submitted to the regulatory authorities before the end of March for approval. If the members’ congress is delayed, reports should be submitted to the regulatory authorities first.
Article 33
After the dissolution of the society, its remaining assets belong to the local governing body where the society is located, or to a group appointed by the regulatory authority.

Chapter 6 Supplementary Provisions

Article 34
Any matter not mentioned in this constitution shall be handled in accordance with related laws.
Article 35
This constitution has been approved by the members’ congress and the regulatory authority. Any amendments made shall be approved by the members’ congress and the regulatory authority.
Article 36
This constitution was approved by the first members’ congress on May 4th, 1997. Ministry of the Interior, People’s Organization Permit No. 8616464, May 28th, 1997.
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