相關檔案:CSVP 401 diagnosis (with figure).pdf
Case 1. CSVP 2024-3218 (NTU2023-2861, NTU GIMCP, C.Y. Hsu and V.F. Pang)
Canine, Poodle, spayed female, 14 y/o. The patient was presented with acute weakness and pale mucosa. There were diffuse nodular lesions with heterogeneous echogenicity in the liver and hypoechoic nodular lesions in the spleen. Partial hepatic lobe and the whole spleen were sent for histopathological examination.
Morphologic diagnosis :
Skin: skip
1. Hemangiomatosis, with sinusoidal dilation, telangiectasia, hepatic cord, atrophy, vacuolar hepatopathy, portal fibrosis, and biliary hyperplasia, liver
2. Hemangiomatosis, with telangiectasia, hemosiderosis and extra medullary hematopoiesis, spleen
Lab. examination:
Perl’s Prussian blue staining: hemosiderin-laden macrophages (+)
Etiological Dx:
切片名稱:Case 2. NTU23-1661A
Case 2. CSVP 2024-3219 (NTU2023-1661A, NTU GIMCP, Y. Chong and Y.C. Chang).
Canine, French bulldog, female spayed, 11 y/o. A right hindlimb 4th digit mass and jaw mass was noted around 2 months ago, gradually and slowly became swelling.
Morphologic diagnosis :
Skin: Multiple cutaneous nodules, Top-heavy and epidermal invasion, Multinucleated cells and cytologic atypia, Cutaneous reactive histiocytosis, with involvement of popliteal lymph node, skin masses taken from the jaw and the 4th digit of the right hindlimb
Lab. examination:
IHC: Iba1 (+), E-cadherin (+)
Etiological Dx:
Cutaneous Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH)
切片名稱:Case 3. CM24-01004
Case 3. CSVP 2024-3220 (CM24-01004, CEVA, N. K. Yu, Z.H. Syu, L.W. Zeng, and Y.J. Jheng)
Fattening pigs, 18-week-old, showed sudden death with clinical signs of cyanosis and bloody discharge from the mouth and nose in a 5,000-fattening farm. The morbidity rate is 2%, and the mortality rate is 1%.
Morphologic diagnosis :
Lung: Pleurobronchopneumonia, diffuse, severe, acute, with hemorrhage, edema, vasculitis, and oat like cells formation
Lab. examination:
Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (App) consists of at least twelve different serotypes, some of which produce no disease but others cause severe disease. Serotypes vary in different countries. Types 1, 5, 9, 11 and 12 are usually highly virulent
Actinobacillus pleuropneumonia (APP)
切片名稱:Case 4. BL23055
Case 4. CSVP 2024-3221 (BL23055, ADDL NCYU, E.Z. Chang, H.C. Kuo, C.L. Chen, M.H. Chang and D.Y. Lo)
Red-feathered country chicken, 13-day-old, showed signs of nervous symptom and sudden death. The prevalence was 5% (750/15,000). The mortality was about 4-5% (600-750/15,000).
Morphologic diagnosis :
Brain: meningoencephalitis, necrotic, hemorrhagic, lymphohistiocytic, locally extensive, chronic, severe, with intralesional fungal hyphaes
Lung: Pneumonia, heterophilic, granulomatous, multifocal, chronic, severe, with intralesional fungal hyphaes
Liver: Hepatitis, necrotic, lymphohistiocytic, multifocal, chronic, moderate
Heart: Myocarditis, heterophilic, lymphohistiocytic, multifocal, chronic, moderate
Epicarditis, heterophilic, granulomatous, focal, chronic, moderate
Lab. examination:
1. PAS stain (+);
2. Fungus isolations: Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus (+)
3. Escherichia coli (+) APEC
4. PCR: IBD, CIA (-)
Etiological Dx:
Colibacillosis and Aspergillosis in Red-feathered Country Chicks
切片名稱:Case 5. A112-052-3-3
Case 5. CSVP 2024-3222 (A112-052-3-1&3, ADDC NPUST, Y.H. Hsieh, Y.W. Tsai, Y.C. Li, and M.C Cheng)
Broiler, 32-day-old, showed clinical signs of poor uniformity of growth, weak beak and leg. Mortality rate is gradually accumulated to approximate 18% (11,880/ 66,000) since the 3rd week.
Morphologic diagnosis :
1. Tibia:
A. Failure of endochondral ossification, with persistent metaphyseal tongues of hypertrophied chondrocytes, periosteal fracture and fibrosis, medullary fibrosis, and osteopenia
B. Osteomyelitis, heterophilic granulomatous, locally extensive, chronic active, severe, with bacilli colonization
2. Liver:
A. Hepatitis, necrotizing, random, multifocal, acute to subacute, severe
B. Hepatitis, lymphocytic, perivascular, multifocal, subacute, moderate, with marked myeloid cells hyperplasia
3. Spleen: Lymphoid depletion, diffuse, chronic, moderate to marked
4. Bursa of Fabricius: Lymphoid depletion, diffuse, chronic, marked
Lab. examination:
Liver, spleen: Escherichia coli (+)
Conventional PCR: Thymus, bursa, liver, spleen, cecal tonsil
Positive: Campylobacter jejuni, IBD (d78), IB
Negative: CAV, Reovirus, ALV-J
Etiological Dx:
1. Tibial osteodystrophy
2. Heterophilic granulomatous osteomyelitis of tibia
3. Campylobacteriosis, Colibacillosis, Infectious bronchitis (IB), Infectious bursa disease (IBD)
Case 6. CSVP 2024-3223 (CP23-10002, ADDC NCHU, C.J. Wang, C.P. Huang, H.Y. Chiou, and S.C. Ou)
Pullets (Gallus gallus domesticus), 7 to 8-week-old, showed signs of coughing, gasping and tracheal rales at night. The morbidity and mortality were about 3‰ (960/32,000) and 2‰ (640/32,000), respectively. Five dead pullets were sent for disease diagnosis on October 12th, 2023.
Morphologic diagnosis :
Trachea: Tracheitis, proliferative and necrotizing, diffuse, severe, chronic, with intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies (Bollinger bodies), tracheae.
Lab. examination:
PCR : trachea : ILT (-) ; FPV (+)
lung : ILT (-) ; FPV (-)
Etiological Dx:
Diphtheritic Form of Fowlpox Virus Infection in Pullets