CSVP 398 diagnosis
October 13, 2023

相關檔案:1120915 CSVP專題演講--鸚鵡常見傳染病及防治現況.pdf

相關檔案:CSVP 398 diagnosis (with figs).pdf

398th CSVP Contributor Diagnosis

Date: Sep 15, 2023

Time: 12 : 00~16 : 00

Place: NCHU

專題演講(12:00~13:00):鸚鵡常見傳染病及防治現況(馬丞佑 獸醫師)




Case 1. CSVP 2023-3200 (NTU2023-1257, NTU GIMCP, Y. Chong and V.F.Pang)

Feline, mixed, male castrated, 10-year-old. Chronic emaciation and mouth scratching were noted since Mar. 2023. A gingival mass in M1 gingiva of right mandible was noted and the CT scan was performed. The CT results showed that the body and ramus of right mandible (molar region) presented an aggressive bone lesion. The right total hemimandibulectomy with the removal of mandibular lymph node was performed.


Morphological diagnosis:

1.         Mandible & maxilla: Partially encapsulated, proliferative fibro-osseous neoplastic growth, densely cellular fibrous stroma with numerous randomly scattered ossicles. Plump spindle-shaped neoplastic cells arranged in a fascicular, storiform or whirling pattern. Indistinctly bordered cytoplasm, ovoid, elongated, fusiform nuclei, hyperchromatic with no distinct nucleolus, and mitotic count: 2 per 10 HPFsa.

2.         Variable in shapes and sizes, ranging from small round or oval to largerirregularly shaped, and are calcified

3.         Multinucleated giant cells are noted within the neoplasm, nearby the ossicles, suggestive of osteoclasts

4.         LN: No significant lesion

Laboratory examinations: Von Kossa staining (+)

Etiological Dx.:  

Ossifying fibroma, right hemimandible in a cat


Case 2. CSVP 2023-3201 (NTU2023-1659, NTU GIMCP, Y.J. Chuang and Y.C. Chang)

Rabbit, female spayed, 7-year-old. An abdominal abscess with grass was found during laparotomy in 2023, and the bacterial culture result showed Pasteurella multocida. Elevated liver index was noted, and antibiotics was prescribed for two months. A mass, measuring about 3 x 2 x 2 cm, was located at the mesentery, and adhered to the intestines during laparotomy on July 16. Surgical excision was performed


Morphological diagnosis:


1.     Enteric duplication cyst, with mild inflammation and lymphoid hyperplasia, mesenteric mass

Laboratory examinations:

IHC: MUM1, CD3 (+) for T cells; Granzyme B (+) for Large granular lymphocytic

Etiological Dx.:

Mesenteric cyst in a rabbit



Case 3. CSVP 2023-3202 (MN23012, ADDL NCYU, C.W. WU, H.C. Kuo, C.L. Chen, M.H. Chang, and D.Y. Lo)

Broiler, 16-day-old, showed clinical sign of sudden death. The accumulative mortality was 7.3 % (2,200/30,000)l.


Morphological diagnosis:

Liver: Hepatitis, necrotizing, diffuse, severe, acute, with basophilic intranuclear IBs


Laboratory examinations:

Lung: Gallibacterium anatis (+)

PCR: Liver, caecal tonsil:

Fowl adenovirus (FAdV) (+)

Nucleotide Sequencing : FAdV E strain 8b, 99%

Bursa: IBDV (-)


Etiological Dx.

Inclusion Body Hepatitis in Broilers

Case 4. CSVP 2023-3203 (WA111-242, ADDC NPUST, S.Y. Tsai, C.A. Yang, Y.H. Hsieh, and Y.C. Li)

Capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) (水豚), 1~2-year-old, male, showed depression and emaciation since August 1, 2022, and was found dead one month later..


Morphological diagnosis:

Cholangiohepatitis, coalescing, chronic active, severe, eosinophilic granulomatous with intralesional trematode eggs, liver


Laboratory examinations:

Liver: Cox1:

egg Fasciola hepatica (+) 130–150 μm x 60–90 μm

egg Fasciola gigantica (-) 190 μm × 100 μm       


Etiological Dx.

Fasciola Hepatica Infestation of Capybara (Hydrochoerus Hydrochaeris)


Case 5. CSVP 2023-3204 (2023-0355-7, NTU and ADDC-VRI, L.W. Hu, Y.C. Chuang, Y.C. Tu, S.C. Hu, F. Lee, and Y.W. Chen)

Domestic goat (Capra aegagrus hircus), male, subadult. The domestic sick goat showed emaciated. Numerous Haemonchus contortus捻轉胃蟲and cestodes were noted in the abomasum and small intestines, respectively. The mesenteric lymph nodes were significantly swollen.


Morphological diagnosis:

Small intestines: enteritis, eosinophilic and lymphoplasmacytic, diffuse, chronic, severe with nematodes and cestodes infestation

Abomasum: abomasitis, lymphoplasmacytic and eosinophilic, diffuse, chronic, moderate with Haemonchus spp. infestation.


Laboratory examinations:

Smear: paratistes, egg (+)

Nucleic acid: (-); feces上清液 : Eimeria 18S rDNA & COI (-), Apicomplexans 18S rDNA (-), Hookworm ITS gene (-); Strongyloides 18S rDNA (-); Nematode COI



Etiological Dx.:

Numerous parasitic infection in a goat with (Haemonchus contortus)捻轉胃蟲, Moniezia spp.莫氏絛蟲屬, Eimeria spp. 艾美屬球蟲, 乳嘴桿線蟲 Strongyloides papillosus(疑似)毛樣線蟲屬 Trichostrongylus spp.(疑似)



Case 6. CSVP 2023-3205 (CW23-05003, ADDC NCHU and TBRI, T.Y. Chang, P.C. Liu, F.T. Chan, J.W. Liao, and H.Y. Chiou)

Formosan muntjac (Muntiacus reevesi micrurus), infant, showed unsteady standing on May 8, 2023. The following clinical symptoms included indigestion, bloating and unable to stand on May 13. The patient died on May 15.


Morphological diagnosis:

1.     Myocarditis, multifocal, moderate, acute, with Zenker’s necrosis, intralesional yeasts and mycelia, heart.

2.     Rumenitis, multifocal, severe, acute, with intralesional yeasts and mycelia, rumen.

3.     Reticulitis, multifocal, mild, acute, with intralesional yeasts, reticulum.

4.     Omastitis, multifocal, mild, acute, with intralesional yeasts, omasum.

5.     Abomastitis, multifocal, mild, acute, abomasum.

6.     Zenker’s degeneration and necrosis, multifocal, acute, moderate, skeletal muscle

7.     Pulmonary edema, diffuse, severe, acute, lungs


Laboratory examinations:

PAS: C. albicans (+)


Etiological Dx.:

Rumenitis with candidiasis in a Formosan muntjac 

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