相關檔案:CSVP 392 diagnosis (with figs).pdf
Date: Dec 2, 2022
Time: 12 : 00~16 : 00
Place: NCHU
專題演講(12:00~13:00):腫瘤病例報告撰寫新知(陳雅媚 老師)
Case 1. CSVP 2022-3164 (NTU2022-2607, GIMCP, J.L. Ku and W.H. Huang)
Canine, French bulldog, 10-year-old, male castrated. Multifocal skin masses were noted. Masses were shrunken after steroid treatment. A skin mass from the right lateral chest wall was received.
Morphological diagnosis:
1. Skin: round cell tumor, with abundant cytoplasm, infiltrated, 1.5-2 RBC in diameter, high NC ratio, mitotic count 25 per 10 HPFs
IHC: The neoplastic cells have moderate cytoplasmic staining with CD3 but not membrane and are found on clonal examination to have germ‐line T‐cell receptor.4
In deeper skin lesions the NK tumor resembles the panniculitis‐like T‐cell lymphoma.5,8
Etiological Dx.:
Cutaneous non-epitheliotropic T cell lymphoma, favor subcutaneous “panniculitis-like” T-cell lymphoma (SPTCL)
Case 2. CSVP 2022-3165 (NTU2022-2632, NTU GIMCP, Y.H. Huang, and V.F. Pang)
Feline, DSH, 7-year-old, female spayed. Lt. Forelimb partial weight-bearing and progressing to carry has been noticed since 2022/7. Bizarre periosteal reaction was noticed at Lt. elbow on x-ray and the bone biopsy was conducted with unremarkable result. Forequarter amputation was performed on 9/29.
Morphological diagnosis:
1. The mass at the region of elbow is a non-encapsulated and poorly demarcated neoplastic growth surrounded by a zone of fragmented woven bones with focal area of cartilage formation, suggestive of osteogenesis
2. The neoplastic growth is composed of disorganized intertwined short streams of to sheets of individualized highly pleomorphic neoplastic cells. The neoplastic cells have a small to moderate amount of partially distinctly bordered eosinophilic cytoplasm and spindle, round, oval pleomorphic nuclei with marginated chromatin to hyperchromatism and a distinct to inconspicuous nucleolus
3. Scattered multinucleated neoplastic cells are also frequently observed. The mitotic count is 20-24/10 HPFs with some atypical mitotic figures. Moderate to severe anisocytosis and anisokaryosis are noted. Within the neoplastic growth, there are areas of osteoid formation.
4. Also, formation of scattered variably sized and shaped blood cavities lined by simple to multi-layer of plumped pleomorphic neoplastic cells are noted.
Etiological Dx.:
Telangiectatic osteosarcoma in a cat
Case 3. CSVP 2022-3166 (BG22003, ADDC NCYU, S.W. Huang, H.C. Kuo, and D.Y. Lo.)
Native chicken breeders, 21-week-old. The clinical signs of skin lesions and sudden death were noted. The gross pathological changes in affected chickens showed splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, and nodules with multiple organ involvement. The daily mortality was 0.03%
Morphological diagnosis:
1. Heart, Lung, Kidney, and Sciatic nerve: Proliferative and neoplastic lymphoid infiltration, pleomorphic, multifocal to diffuse.
2. Laryngotrachea, Lung, Liver, Spleen, Kidney, Sciatic nerve, Bursa, and Skeletal muscle: Myeloid leukosis, multifocal to diffuse
Laboratory examinations:
RT-PCR: MDV-1: Serotype 1 Marek’s disease virus; ALV-J: Avian leukosis virus subgroup J, (+)
Etiological Dx.
Coinfection of Marek’s Disease Virus and Avian Leukosis Viruses in Native Chicken Breeders
CSVP 2022-3167 (SP111-22951, ADDC NPUST, W.Y. Lin, Y.M. Chen, and C.D. Chang)
Canine, mongrel, 11-year-old, castrated male. Hematemesis was noted on September 26, 2022. An intestinal mass was found by ultrasound. The mass was excised on October 12, 2022.
Morphological diagnosis:
1. Intestine: Neoplastic cells show spindle‐shaped type and looks like a tumor of smooth muscle origin. Nuclei are spindle or cigar shaped when cut longitudinally and round when cut in cross‐section. They are hyperchromatic with indistinct single nucleoli and mild anisokaryosis. Multiple foci of hemorrhage and necrosis can be visible and cavernous spaces that contain blood and variable numbers of hemosiderin‐laden macrophages may be present.
IHC: c-kit (CD117) (+)
IHC markers: c-kit (CD117)、DOG1 and CD34
Etiological Dx.
Canine gastrointestinal stromal cell tumor
Case 5. CSVP 2022-3168 (CO22-05036, GIVP/ADDC, C.Y. Tsai, J.H. Lin, D.Z. Hung, H.Y. Chiou, and J.W. Liao)
Ducks (Anas platyrhynchos Vas. domestica, Tsaiya), 78-week-old. Eight ducks were purchased from a farm for antibody production on May, 2022. These ducks displayed reluctance to stand and always sitting unless person approaching. No significant wounds were noticed by the owner. A duck was found dead and necropsy was performed on August 26.
Morphological diagnosis:
1. Amyloidosis, systemic, severe, chronic
2. Pododermatitis, ulcerative, heterophilic, hemorrhagic, necrotizing, with bacterial colonies, locally extensive, severe, chronic-active, skin of paw
3. Myositis, necrotizing, granulomatous, fibrous, lymphoplasmocytic, with bacterial colonies, locally extensive, severe, chronic, pectoralis
Congo red (CR) stain: exhibits bright yellow-green fluorescence.
Etiological Dx.:
Systemic amyloidosis in a duck
Case 6. CSVP 2022-3163 (CW22-09001e, GIVP/ADDC NCHU and ESRI, H.H. Yeh, C.J. Fang, C.Y. Chang, J.W. Liao, F.T. Chan, C.J. Wei, and H.Y. Chiou)
Formosan Serow (Capricornis swinhoei), male, adult. The rescued patient was in poor body condition and presented with crusting lesions on the oral commissures, nostril nose, and eyelids. Multifocal to coalescing, papillary, exophytic growths, nodular masses, and rash skin lesions were observed on the proximal neck, trunk, four limbs, inguinal, and abdomen.
Morphological diagnosis:
1. Meningoencephalitis, pyogranulomatous, severe, locally extensive, chronic-active, with bacterial colonies, cerebrum and cerebellum
2. Pyogranulomatous inflammation, severe, diffuse, chronic-active, bacterial colonies, yolk sac
PCR: Salmonella Enteritidis (+)
Etiological Dx.:
Salmonella Enteritidis Infection in Broiler Chicks (Fowl Paratyphoid in Broiler Chicks)