CSVP 389 diagnosis
July 15, 2022

相關檔案:CSVP 389 diagnosis (with figs).pdf

相關檔案:臨床前試驗實驗動物病理毒理實驗室的建置及經驗分享 (陳建豪 獸醫師).pdf

389th CSVP Contributor Diagnosis

Date: Jul 8, 2022

Time: 12 : 00~16 : 00

Place: NCHU

專題演講(12:00~13:00):臨床前試驗實驗動物病理毒理實驗室的建置及經驗分享(陳建豪 獸醫師)



Case 1. CSVP 2022-3146 (NTU2022-26A, NTU GIMCP, Y.H. Huang and W.H. Huang)

Feline, DSH, 4-year-old, Female spayed. An extra-dural mass located at Rt. side of T1 spinous process, invading surrounding C7-T2 vertebrae and into the spinal canal causing severe compression was noted on MRI. The patient showed chronic progressive ambulatory tetra-paresis and progressed to non-ambulatory in 1-2 weeks. Biopsy of extra-dural mass and T1 spinous process were presented for pathological examination


Morphological diagnosis:

1.     The extra-dural mass: The specimen is a non-encapsulated, poorly demarcated mass composed of sheets of spindle neoplastic cells with indistinct cellular borders. The cytoplasm of the neoplastic cells is eosinophilic, and the nuclei are round to oval with 0-2 nucleoli and stippled chromatin. The mitotic count is 1-3/10 HPFs. Mild to moderate anisocytosis and anisokaryosis are noted. In a focal area, the neoplastic cells show cytoplasmic vacuoles.

2.     Peripheral nerve sheath tumor, favor schwannoma, extra-dural mass at C7-T2 spine and myelofibrosis, T1 spinous process


Masson’s trichrome (-)

IHC: SOX-10 (+), Desmin (-)


Etiological Dx.: schwannoma in a cat


Case 2. CSVP 2022-3147 (NTU2022-697C, NTU GIMCP, H.Y. Wang and Y.C. Chang)

Elongated Tortoise (Indotestudo elongate), were anorexia and had respiratory clinical signs include secretions from eyes, nostrils, and mouth. Oral ulceration, swollen of eyelid and edema were also noticed


Morphological diagnosis:

1.     Pneumonia, heterophilic and lymphoplasmacytic, necrotizing, multifocal to coalescing, subacute, severe, with eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies and syncytial cells, lung


2.     Rhinitis, heterophilic and necrotizing, multifocal to coalescing, subacute, severe, with ulceration and eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies, nasal cavity

3.     Tracheitis, diffuse, mild, subacute, with eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies, and interstitial edema, trachea


Laboratory examinations:

PCR: Specific TeHV-1 (-)

Specific TeHV-3 (+)

Mycoplasma (-)

ISH: Specific TeHV-3 (+)


Etiological Dx.:

Testudinid herpesvirus 3 Infection in Indotestudo elongata

Case 3. CSVP 2022-3142 (BL21062, ADDC NCYU, N.C. Twu, H.C. Kuo, and D.Y. Lo)

Suckling pigs, 1-day-old, showed clinical sign of muscular weakness. The rate of mortality and culling was 5%.


Morphological diagnosis:

1.         Dermatitis, necrotizing, heterophilic, locally extensive, chronic-active, severe with ballooning degeneration of epithelial cells and intracytoplasmic eosinophilic inclusion bodies, cloaca


Laboratory examinations:

Gallibacterium anatis (+)

PCR: Avian poxvirus (+)


Etiological Dx.

Co-infection of Avian poxvirus and Gallibacterium anatis in layers


Case 4. CSVP 2022-3149 (110013, NTUCM LAC, Y.T. Tsai, I.S. Yu, and W.P. Chen)

Mouse, C57BL/6, 22-month-old, female. The mouse revealed enlarged, mottled, granular liver and lymph nodes. The enlarged, yellow-brown, bilateral ovaries and white, firm uterine masses were observed.


Morphological diagnosis:

1.     Tumor cells were apopulation of large cells (but smaller than hepatocytes) showing abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm and pleomorphic nucleus, resembling histiocytic cells but much more atypical. Neither giant multinucleated cells, nor granulomatous necrosis were observed. Erythrophagocytosis occurred in half of the cases. A common feature was the hematopoiesis (HPO) foci in the liver.

2.     Liver, uterus, ovary, lymph node, lung and kidney: Histiocytic sarcoma


IHC: F4/80 in membrane (+), CD3 (-), CD79a (-)


Etiological Dx.

Histiocytic Sarcoma in a C57BL6 Mouse


Case 5. CSVP 2022-3150 (A200600350019-T2, Level Biotechnology Inc., C.H. Chen and J.W. Liao)

Rat, Sprague-Dawley, 5-month-old, female. Bilateral thickening of the pinnae was observed with no other clinical signs.

Morphological diagnosis:

1.     Chondritis, granulomatous, chronic-active, coalescing, severe, with cartilaginous regeneration, pinna

2.     Idiopathic auricular chondritis

Etiological Dx.:

Auricular chondritis in a rat


Case 6. CSVP 2022-3151 (CLP002, CEVA, T.H. Hsu, W.F. Kuan, C.L. Hung, C.W. Chang, C.H. Yang, and N.K. Yu)

Finisher pigs from the slaughterhouse have a mean weight of 100~120 kg around 26 weeks. These samples were collected from discarded porcine lungs.


Morphological diagnosis:

1.     Bronchopneumonia, interstitial, moderate, subacute to chronic, multifocal with lymphatic follicle hyperplasia, lung

2.     Recommended MD: Pneumonia, BALT hyperplasia, multifocal, mild, chronic, lungs


Laboratory examinations:

PCR: Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (+), Mycoplasma hyorhinis (-)


Etiological Dx.:

Swine Enzootic Pneumonia (Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae) in pigs

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