CSVP 388 diagnosis
July 15, 2022

相關檔案:CSVP 388 diagnosis (with figs).pdf

相關檔案:獸醫師及IACUC於AAALAC認證之角色及經驗分享 (蔡伊婷 病理獸醫師).pdf


388th CSVP Contributor Diagnosis

Date: May 27, 2022

Time: 12 : 00~16 : 00

Place: NCHU

專題演講(12:00~13:00):獸醫師及IACUCAAALAC認證之角色及經驗分享(蔡伊婷 病理專科獸醫師)



Case 1. CSVP 2022-3140 (NTU2021-3233, GIMCP, NTU, Y.Y. Lu and C.H. Liu)

Canine, Miniature Schnauzer, 12-year-old, intact male. Multiple hypoechoic masses of liver were noted, with serum hepatic enzyme elevated. Laparoscopic tissue biopsy was performed. Liver swelled at edge and multiple pale to yellowish, bulged nodules on surface was observed and biopsied.


Morphological diagnosis: Wedge biopsy of liver:

1.     Sarcoma (most likely), with melanin deposition and mild to moderate multifocal neutrophilic portal hepatitis, liver

2.     Histiocytic sarcoma, with melanin and hemosiderin-laden neoplastic cells, liver


IHC: HepPar1 (-), CK (-), CK7 (-), and Vimentin (+), Hall: (-), HMB45 (-), S100: Generally negative in neoplastic cells, scattered weak cytoplastic positive clusters

Ki67: Nuclear positive 10-20%

Iba-1: moderately cytoplasmic positive


Etiological Dx.:

Histiocytic sarcomas of liver in a dog


Case 2. CSVP 2022-3141 (NTU19-1564B, GIMCP, NTU. C.F. Lee and .H. Huang)

Red-footed tortoise, female, 3-year-old, anorexia and lethargy lasted approximately 2 weeks before the patient died


Morphological diagnosis:

1.     Diffuse interstitial edema, regional epithelium hyperplasia, with intranuclear protozoa, lung

2.     Necrotizing hepatitis, random, with glycogen deposition, lipidosis, and intranuclear protozoa, liver

3.     Renal tubular degeneration and necrosis, with intranuclear protozoa, kidney

4.     Necrotizing colitis, with intranuclear protozoa, colon

5.     Cardiomyocyte degeneration, with epicardium fibrosis and edema, and with intranuclear protozoa, heart

6.     Choriomeningitis, granulomatous, cerebrum


Laboratory examinations:

PCR: intranuclear coccidiosis (+)


Histochemical staining:

Trichrome staining for evaluating portal region


Etiological Dx.:

Intranuclear Coccidiosis of Testudines (TINC) An Emerging Disease

Case 3. CSVP 2022-3142 (BL21062, ADDC NCYU, N.C. Twu, H.C. Kuo, and D.Y. Lo)

Suckling pigs, 1-day-old, showed clinical sign of muscular weakness. The rate of mortality and culling was 5%.


Morphological diagnosis:

1.         Vulvitis, hemorrhagic, suppurative, diffuse, acute, moderate to severe, with subepidermal pustule and thrombosis in dermis.

2.         Myofibrillar hypoplasia, diffuse, severe, skeletal muscle.


3.         Hepatocellular steatosis, centrilobular, mild, with large nuclei.


Laboratory examinations:

Serum: Estradiol 1755.9 pg/mL (E2, Normal piglet 1200 pg/mL [Ohtaki et al., 2012])


Etiological Dx.

Zearalenone mycotoxicosis (Hyperestrogenism) in neonatal piglet


Case 4. CSVP 2022-3143 (WA111-072,ADDC NPUST, N.H. Hsiao and Y.C. Li)

Brown booby, adult. Right wing injury and unable to stretch were noted.


Morphological diagnosis:

1.     Interstitial pneumonia, multifocal, subacute, severe, heterophilic, fungal, lung

2.     Tracheitis, segmental, subacute, severe, lymphocytic, heterophilic, trachea

3.     Myositis, focal, subacute, moderate, heterophilic, fungal, muscle

4.     Osteomyelitis, multifocal, subacute, moderate, heterophilic, fungal with osseous metaplasia, bone

Etiological Dx.

Aspergillosis in Brown booby


Case 5. CSVP 2022-3144 (2022-109-22, AHRI, Y.C. Tu, W.C. Hsu, Y.W. Chen, and S.C. Hu)

Siberian weasel (Mustela sibirica taivana), adult, male, was rescued due to animal attack. The patient was treated for its injuries and under temporary care at ESRI's Animal First-aid Station, but cannot survive after retention. Multiple ulcerative wounds near anus were observed. At necropsy, hemorrhage and consolidation in lung, splenomegaly, and swollen lymph nodes were found.


Morphological diagnosis:

1.                   Intracytoplasmic and intranuclear eosinophilic inclusion bodies, numerous, with syncytial cells formation. Esophagus and tongue (squamous epi.), Trachea and lung (pseudostratified epi.), Liver (biliary epi.), Urinary bladder and renal pelvis (transitional epi.), Stomach (glandular epi.), Submandibular gland (ductal epi.), Lymphoid tissue (lymphocyte)

2.                   Lung: Pneumonia, verminous, multiple, moderate. Pneumonia, granulomatous, multifocal, moderate, with intrahistiocytic lipid vacuoles and cholesterol clefts.

3.     Lymphoid tissue: Lymphadenitis, necrotizing, locally-extensive, moderate, acute, with lymphocyte depletion, moderate, and intralesional numerous bacilli


Laboratory examinations:

E. coli (+)

PCR/RT-PCR: Canine distemper virus (+), ISH: CDV (+)

Canine/feline parvovirus and Pan-coronavirus (-)


Etiological Dx.:

Canine distemper virus infection in Siberian weasel


Case 6. CSVP 2022-3145 (CS22-02179, ADDC NCHU, W.W.Wang, J.W. Liao, and H.Y. Chiou)

Feline, mongrel, 8-year-old, castrated male. An ulcerative and swollen cutaneous mass was found at the scapular region. The mass was excised on February 17, 2022 and submitted for histopathologic examination


Morphological diagnosis:

1.     Mass: Spindle cells, Arranged in interdigitating or interwoven fascicles, storiform and/or palisading pattern


Laboratory examinations:

Masson Trichrome stain (-)

IHC: vimentin (+++), GFAP (+), NF (+), S100 (-), alpha SMA (-), desmin (-)


Etiological Dx.:

Nerve Sheath tumor (NST) in a cat

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