CSVP 384 diagnosis
January 21, 2022

相關檔案:CSVP 384 diagnosis (with figs).pdf

相關檔案:CSVP 384 病理小講堂. 高雄市養殖漁業常見傳染病及防治 (馬丞佑 獸醫師) (1101209修).pdf


384th CSVP Contributor Diagnosis

Date: Dec 3, 2021

Time: 12 : 00~16 : 00

Place: NCHU

專題演講(12:00~13:00):高雄市養殖漁業常見傳染病及防治 (馬丞佑 獸醫師)



Case 1. CSVP 2021-3116 (NTU2021-2657, NTU GIMCP, H.Y. Wang, W.H. Huang)

Rabbit, Intact female, 5-year-old. There’s been a mass at the right shoulder for a while which got swollen recently. There were several masses with size of 1 x 1 x 1 cm on the uterus

Morphological diagnosis:

1.     Trichoblastoma, spindle cell type, Rt. shoulder mass

2.     Endometrial venous aneurysm with endometrial hyperplasia, bilateral uterine tubes

Etiological Dx.:

Endometrial venous aneurysm and Trichoblastoma in a Rabbit


Case 2. CSVP 2021-3117 (NTU2021-320, NTU GIMCP, C.H. Shih, C.R. Jeng)

Feline, Ragdoll, castrated male, 1.6-year-old. The patient showed abnormal gait of right hindlimb since October 2020. MRI revealed two isolated, clearly demarcated intramedullary spinal cord lesions at L3-L4 and L5-L6 vertebrate level. The patient was suffering from severe pain and gradually decreased voluntary movement of bilateral hindlimbs. Considering the poor prognosis, the patient was euthanized in February.

Morphological diagnosis:

1.     Meningoencephalomyelitis, granulomatous, multiple areas of CNS with multifocal to diffuse pattern, severe, with lymphocytic perivascular cuffing, demyelination, axonal degeneration, astrogliosis and astrocytosis, cerebrum (frontal lobe) and lumbar spinal cord (L4-L7)

2.     Edema and necrosis (malacia), locally extensive, moderate, with axonal degeneration and multifocal hemorrhage, spinal cord of cervical, thoracic and L3 region

3.     Hypophysitis, granulomatous, locally extensive, moderate, posterior pituitary gland

4.     Lymphadenitis, granulomatous, locally extensive, moderate, with reactive lymphoid follicular hyperplasia, mesenteric lymph node

5.     Edema and congestion, diffuse, acute, moderate, with multifocal lymphohistiocytic vasculitis, lung

Laboratory examinations:

No viral inclusion body

Special stains rule out FIP, Toxoplasma gondii, acid-fast and fungal microorganisms

Etiological Dx.:

Meningoencephalomyelitis of Unknown Origin (MUO)


Case 3. CSVP 2021-3118 (110014, NTUCM LAC, Y.T. Tsai, I.S. Yu, W.P. Chen)

Mouse, Brca1-/-, 9-month-old, female. The mouse revealed a 2.5 × 2 × 2 cm, right ventrolateral abdominal subcutaneous mass, and a 0.5 × 0.3 × 0.2 cm,

ulcerative cutaneous nodule. The right ovary was enlarged and hemorrhagic.

Morphological diagnosis:

1.     Abdominal mammary gland: Adenocarcinoma, cribriform subtype

2.     Haired skin, abdomen: Squamous cell carcinoma

3.     Ovary: Hemangiosarcoma

Etiological Dx.

Mouse model of Brca1 deficiency mice


Case 4. CSVP 2021-3119 (BN21005, ADDC NCYU, P. J. Chen, H.C. Kuo, M.H. Chang, and D.Y. Lo)

Nursery pigs, 10 to 12-week-old, showed clinical sign of coughing. The crude cumulative morbidity was about 40-50%.

Morphological diagnosis:

1.     Lymphoma with hemorrhage and central necrosis, (lymph node, liver, kidney)

IHC: CD3 (-), CD79a (+)

Etiological Dx.

Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in nursery pigs


Case 5. CSVP 2021-3120 (P110-151, NPUST, W.Y. Lin, C.A. Yang, P.W. Huang, and Y.C. Li)

White roman goose, 14-day-old, showing clinical signs of lameness and watery diarrhea since 2-day-old. The morbidity and mortality rate was approximately 98%..

Morphological diagnosis:

1.     Osteopathy, severe, with increased width of the zone of hypertrophy, greenstick fracture and micro fracture, bone

2.     Enteritis, moderate, acute, segmental, fibrinous, necrotizing, with multifocal villous atrophy and fusion, small intestine

3.     Lymphoid depletion, severe, acute to subacute, multifocal, bursa of Fabricius and spleen

4.     Bursitis, moderate, acute, multifocal, bursa of Fabricius

Laboratory examinations:

PCR: Goose parvovirus (GPV) (-)

Etiological Dx.:

Viral enteritis suspected with metabolic osteopathy in white roman goose


Case 6. CSVP 2021-3121 (CO21-10017, ADDC/GIVP NCHU, T.N. Wu, C.H. Hsieh, H.Y. Chiou, and Y.L. Lin)

Horse, grey gelding, 22 year-old, was evaluated because of rapid weight loss recently. Multiple firm masses (0.5-2 cm in diameter) in its ventral tail and perineum were noted for years. The horse was cachexia, docility, lethargy, and alopecia. Frequent lateral recumbency was observed during the last month.

Morphological diagnosis:

1.     Haired skin, tail and perianal region: Malignant melanoma, with spinal cord of the 4th sacral vertebrae to 1st coccygeal vertebrae, dorsal aspect of cavum pelvis, spleen, left axillary lymph node, and surrounding skeletal muscle metastases

Etiological Dx.:

Malignant melanoma in grey gelding horse





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