CSVP 381 diagnosis
March 25, 2021

相關檔案:CSVP 381 diagnosis (with figs) R1.pdf

相關檔案:CSVP 381 病理小學堂. 臨床犬貓腫瘤病理分析(蔡芳宜 病理獸醫師) 講義.pdf


381st CSVP Contributor Diagnosis

Date: Mar. 19, 2021

Time: 12:00~16:00

Place: NCHU

專題演講(12:00~13:00):臨床犬貓腫瘤病理分析(蔡芳宜 病理獸醫師)



Case 1. CSVP 2021-3098 (NTU2021-8 , NTU GIMCP,  P.W. Liao and C. H. Liu)

Canine, 13-year-old, castrated male. Left exophthalmos and blindness of left eye were noted. CT scan indicated an ossified left retro-orbital mass. Tru-cut biopsy was performed on 12/30/2020

Morphological diagnosis:

1.     Under histopathology, it was multiple small lobular structures compactly aggregation in all of the submitted tissue, and in the centers of the lobules, there are some irregular osseous-like materials and sometimes mineralization are observed.

2.     In higher power field, we could noticed the lobular structures are composed of 3 zones, the peripheral zone (fibrous stroma+ mesenchymal spindle cell), middle zone (plump to oval cell, radial arrangement) and central island (osseous matrix+ primitive osteoblasts)

3.     rare MC


Laboratory examinations:

IHC: Cytokeratin (-); Vimentin (+); Synaptophysin (-); N-Cadherin (-); E-Cadherin (-)

Etiological Dx.:

Multilobular tumor of bone, retro-orbital mass biopsies


Case 2. CSVP 2021-3099 (NTU2021-0057, NTU GIMCP, T.W. Lee and W.H. Huang)

Feline, American short hair, 9-year-old, castrated male. Ascites was noted on 2020/12/26. The mesentery was locally extensively inflamed and fibrotic with panniculitis through laparotomy on 2021/01/05. A mass was noted and resected which was suspected to be a mesenteric lymph node per clinician.

Morphological diagnosis:

1.     Mass: Numerous multinuclear giant tumor cells, with highly mitosis

2.     Adipose: Steatitis , necrotizing, peripheral, extensive, moderate, acute


Laboratory examinations:

IHC: IBA1: (+) for macrophages and DCs

Etiological Dx.:

Histiocytic sarcoma, with granulomatous steatitis, mesenteric mass in a cat


Case 3. CSVP 2021-3100 (2020-506, AHRI, Y.W. Chen, S.C. Hu, W.C. Hsu, L.J. Ting, and Y.C. Tu)

Holstein Cattle (Bos taurus taurus), female, adult. Multiple raised, small papules covered with crusted surfaces were noted around the jaw, muzzle and neck. No significant clinical signs were noted. The morbidity rate was about 9.7 % (22/226), and the mortality rate was 0%. Skin (epidermis) biopsies were taken from the animal.

Morphological diagnosis:

1.     Haired skinepidermatitis, proliferative and necrosuppurative, multifocal, subacute, severe with parakeratotic hyperkeratosis and intralesional Dermatophilus spp (Dermatophilus congolensis, railroad track-like pattern )


Laboratory examinations:

PCR/real-time PCR

     Lumpy skin disease virus (LSDV): (-)

     Bovine herpesvirus 2 (Pseudo-LSDV) : (-)

Bacterial 16S rRNA PCR negative

Bacterial cultureStaphylococcus sp.


Etiological Dx.

Dermatophilosis in Holstein cattle

Case 4. CSVP 2020-3101 (CW20004, ADDC NCYU, H.T. Li, H.C. Kuo, C.L. Chen, M.H. Chang, and D.Y. Lo)

White Roman goose, 45-day-old, were submitted to ADDC for disease diagnosis. The geese have showed clinical signs of depression, fever, and sudden death since 28-day-old. The crude cumulative mortality rate was 8% (210/2,600).

Morphological diagnosis:

1.     Cerebellitis, lymphohistiocytic, multifocal, chronic, mild

2.     Splenitis, histiocytic, multifocal, subacute, mild

3.     Hepatitis, heterophilic, necrotizing, multifocal, acute, mild.

4.     Pancreatitis, lymphohistiocytic, necrotizing, multifocal, chronic, moderate

Laboratory examinations:

Multiplex PCR: Circovirus, Parvovirus: (-), Tembusu Virus: (+)

Etiological Dx.

Tembusu virus infection in White Roman geese


Case 5. CSVP 2020-3102 (WA109-254, NPUST, Y.S. Yu, S.M. Cho, C.A. Yang, P.W. Huang, and Y.C. Li)

Red-legged Pademelon (Thylogale stigmatica), adult, male. Sudden death and no significant clinical sign was noted.

Morphological diagnosis:

1.     Pneumonia, necrotizing severe, subacute, diffuse, moderate to severe with tachyzoites and protozoal cysts consist of Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii), lung

2.     Myocarditis, moderate, subacute, multifocal, moderate with intracellular tachyzoites (T. gondii), heart

3.     Meningoencephalitis, moderate, subacute, multifocal, gliosis, with protozoal cysts (T. gondii) in cerebellum, cerebrum and cerebellum

4.     Lymphadenitis, severe, subacute, locally extensive, necrotic moderate with protozoal cysts and intracellular tachyzoites (T. gondii), intrapyloric lymph node

5.     Hepatitis, multifocal, mild to moderate, subacute, liver

6.     Nephropathy, multifocal, mild, kidney


Laboratory examinations:

PCR result (lung):

Toxoplasma gondii : Positive (+); Herpesvirus: Negative (-)
PAS: (+)
Bacterial culture (lung): No growth

Etiological Dx.:

Toxoplasmosis in Red-legged Pademelon

Case 6. CSVP 2020-3103 (CO20-08033, ADDC NCHU, C.Y. Hsu, Y.X. Lin, Y.H. Su, J.W. Liao, and H.Y. Chiou)

Canine, Maltese, 10-year-old, spayed female, the patient was underwent regional mastectomy during 2018, and showed clinical signs of epilepsy, paddling, miosis, and nystagmus on August, 2020. The patient was euthanized on day of admission.

Morphological diagnosis:

Carcinoma-and-malignant myoepithelioma, metastatic, hilar lymph node, lungs, cerebrum, midbrain, and cerebellum

Laboratory examinations:


1.     Tubular epithelial cell: CK19 (+), pan CK (+)

2.     Myoepithelial cell: p63 (+), Vimentin (+/-),α-SMA(+/-)

3.     HER2, ER, PR, TTF-1: (-)


Etiological Dx.

Metastatic carcinoma and malignant myoepithelioma in a dog


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