CSVP 377 diagnosis
November 23, 2020

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CSVP 377 Diagnosis

Date: Sep 4 , 2020

Time: 10 : 30~16 : 00

Place: AHRI

專題演講(10:30~12:00):牛結節疹「防疫措施宣導」(林念農 簡任技正)及「病例報告」(凃央昌 助理研究員)



Case 1. CSVP 2020-3073 (NTU2020-712B, NTU GIMCP, C.H. Shih, C.F. Lee, W.T. Chen, Y.H. Hsieh, Y.F. Jiang, H.W. Chang, and Y.C. Chang)

Oriental turtle doves (Streptopelia orientalis), adult, passed away one after another without apparent clinical signs since April.

Morphological diagnosis:

1.     Nephritis, interstitial, locally extensive, subacute, severe, with intra-histiocytic microorganism, tubular necrosis, and calcification, kidney

2.     Airsacculitis, fibrinous and granulomatous, diffuse, subacute, moderate, with intra-histiocytic microorganism, air sac

3.     Hepatitis, lymphohistiocytic, diffuse, subacute, moderate, with hemosiderosis, multifocal necrosis and intra-histiocytic microorganism, liver

4.     Serositis, fibrinous and granulomatous, diffuse, subacute, moderate, with intra-histiocytic microorganism, spleen, liver, gizzard, and intestine

5.     Splenitis, granulomatous, diffuse, subacute, moderate, with hemosiderosis, spleen

6.     Ventriculitis, fibrotic and granulomatous, moderate, chronic, with perivasculitis, erosion, and intra-histiocytic microorganism, gizzard

7.     Pericarditis, granulomatous and fibrinous, locally extensive, acute, moderate, with intra-histiocytic microorganism, heart

8.     Meningitis, granulomatous, focal, moderate, with intra-histiocytic microorganism, cerebrum

Laboratory examinations:

Warthin-starry, Giemsa, Brown and Brenn : (+); Acid-fast (-)

PCR for 16S rRNA gene of Chlamydiaceae

        - FFPE sample: Positive
        - Sequencing: Chlamydia psittaci
Etiological Dx.

Avian Chlamydiosis in Oriental Turtle Doves


Case 2. CSVP 2020-3074 (NTU2019-3329, NTU GIMCP, Y.C. Lai and W.H. Huang)

Feline, 11-year-old, mongrel, neutered male. The mass at the tip of the tongue was noted 2 months ago, and it got bigger gradually.

Morphological diagnosis:

1.     Perivascular wall tumor (PWT), mass at the lingual tip

Laboratory examinations:

MT : (-); IHC: Alpha-smooth muscle actin, Desmin (+)

Etiological Dx.

A rare type of perivascular wall tumor (PWT) at the lingual tip in feline


Case 3. CSVP 2020-3075 (CD20024, ADDC NCYU, M. Huang, H.C. Kuo, C.L. Chen, M.H. Chang, and D.Y. Lo)

Hy-Line layers, 41 to 45-week-old, showed clinical signs of green diarrhea and decrease egg production (from 75 % to 63 %) since one week ago. The mortality rate was 0.075 % (15/20,000).

Morphological diagnosis:

1.     Airsacculitis, lymphohistocytic, multifocal, chronic, severe.

2.     Bronchopneumonia, heterophilic, granulomatous, multifocal, subacute, severe

3.     Oviduct, edema, segmental, acute, severe

Laboratory examinations:

Gallibacterium anatis: positive

PCR:  Mycoplasma gallisepticum (); Mycoplasma synoviae  (+

IBV negative

Etiological Dx.

Complicated chronic respiratory disease in Hy-Line layers


Case 4. CSVP 2020-3076 (WA109-084, ADDC NPUST, J. H. Lin, J. A. Yang, and Y. C. Li)

Black swan, over 10 years old, right wing and pelvic limb were found unfunctional on 5/3. Depression, emaciation, and severe pododermatitis on both pelvic limbs were also noted, with an elevation in AST and decrease in PCV, TP and Ca were recorded.

Morphological diagnosis:

1.     Metastatic carcinoma (most likely metastasized from liver), kidney, bone (radius, femur, and tibia)

2.     Pododermatitis, moderate, chronic, multifocal, bilateral plantar

Etiological Dx.

Cholangiocarcinoma in Black Swan


Case 5. CSVP 2020-3077 (CS20-03164, GIVP NCHU & ADDC NCHU, Y.C. Chang, J.W. Liao, H.Y. Chiou)

Meerkat (Suricata suricatta), adult, male. The owner claimed that the adult meerkat kept with another conspecific was found reluctant to move 1 day before its death. At necropsy, whitish, soft, 2 cm in diameter mass located at right suprarenal region was found..

Morphological diagnosis:

1.     Adrenal gland tumor, suspected pheochromocytoma, right adrenal gland

2.     Cardiomyopathy, multifocal to coalescing, acute, moderate to severe, with contraction band necrosis and hemorrhage of coronary arterioles,      myocardium, heart

3.     Fibrosis, multifocal, chronic, moderate, myocardium, heart

4.     Pulmonary hemorrhage, edema and emphysema, multifocal to coalescing, severe, acute, lungs

5.     Zenker’s necrosis and hemorrhage, multifocal, acute, moderate to severe, muscular diaphragm

Lab. examined:
















Inhibin α






Etiological Dx.

Pheochromocytoma and associated cardiomyopathy in a meerkat

Case 6. CSVP 2020-3078 (CS20-03165, ADDC NCHU, Y.C. Chang, S.L. Chang, Y.X. Lin, H.Y. Chiou, and J.W. Liao)

Feline, 5-month-old, Ragdoll, intact male, showed clinical signs of sneezing and lacrimation. At necropsy, ascites, discoloration and rough-surfaced with white to yellow dots of bilateral kidneys were noted.

Morphological diagnosis:

1.     Vasculitis, granulomatous, multifocal, moderate to severe, kidneys, liver, lung, cerebrum, cerebellum and heart

Lab. examined:


FCoV positive

Etiological Dx.

Feline infectious peritonitis in a cat

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