CSVP 367 Diagnosis
Jan 11, 2019
Case 1. CSVP 2019-3013 (CR18014, ADDC NCYU, K.Y. Shih, H.C. Kuo, C.L. Chen, Y.C. Su, M.H. Chang, D.Y. Lo)
Nursery pigs, 5-week-old. The pigs became emaciated and weakness for two weeks. Morbidity and mortality rates were about 10-30% and 1%, respectively.
Morphological diagnosis:
1. Pleuropneumonia, fibrinous, purulent, histiocytic, hemorrhagic, necrotizing, proliferative, bronchointerstitial, locally-extensive, severe, chronic active, lungs
2. Atrophic rhinitis, lymphocytic with basophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies, severe, locally-extensive, chronic, nasal turbinate
Etiological Dx.
Co-Infection of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome virus and Porcine Cytomegalovirus in Weaning Pigs
Case 2. CSVP 2019-3014 (NTU2018-1503F, NTU, GIMCP, C.F. Kao, V.F. Pang)
Meerkat, 2-month-old, intact male, was found lying on the ground on 2018/6/8 and sent to the veterinary hospital for emergency aid. The hematological workups revealed anemia and elevated renal index. The patient died 2 hours later.
Morphological diagnosis:
1. Acute tubular necrosis and regeneration, severe, kidneys
2. Nephritis, tubulointerstitial, pyogranulomatous and lymphoplasmacytic, multifocal to coalescing, subacute, severe, with intratubular Gram-positive spores, morphologically compatible with Encephalitozoon spp., kidneys
3. Meningoencephalitis, pyogranulomatous and lymphocytic, multifocal and perivascular, subacute, moderate to severe, with gliosis and intralesinoal or extralesional Gram-positive spores, compatible with Encephalitozoon spp., brain
4. Adrenalitis and ganglionitis, pyogranulomatous and lymphocytic, multifocal to coalescing, subacute, severe, with Gram-positive spores, adrenal glands
Laboratory result:
PCR (16s rRNA) positive for Encephalitozoon cuniculi
Etiological Dx.
Systemic Encephalitozoonosis in a Meerkat Pup
Case 3. CSVP 2019-3015 (NTU2018-0377, NTU GIMCP, Y.H. Hsieh, V. F. Pang)
Leopard tortoise (Stigmochelys pardalis), 10 year and 5 month old, Femal. The animal had Herpesvirus infection but recovered. The animal started to have anorexia, depression, coughing and nasal discharge recently.
Morphological diagnosis:
1. Interstitial pneumonia, lymphocytic and heterophilic, diffuse, chronic, severe, with hyperplasia and necrosis of faveolar epithelial cells and severe edema, lung
2. Pneumonia, catarrhal, multifocal, acute, mild, with bacterial colonization, lung
3. Stomatitis, lymphocytic, diffuse, chronic, moderate, with hyperplasia and necrosis of mucosal epithelial cells and hyperplasia of goblet cells, mouth
4. Stomatitis, catarrhal, multifocal, acute, mild, with bacterial colonization, mouth
Laboratory result:
Lung swab:
PCR results: Herpesvirus (-); Mycoplasma agassizii (+)
Etiological Dx.
Mycoplasma agassizii Infection in a Leopard Tortoise
Case 4. CSVP 2019-3016 (WT18-S1&2, NTU, W.T. Li)
California sea lion (Zalophus californianus), adult, female. The animal was skinny, lethargic, and stranded along the coast. She was captured and transported to a rescue center.
Morphological diagnosis:
1. Bronchopneumonia, parasitic, multifocal, moderate, chronic, with edema, lung
2. Myopathy, regenerated, multifocal, moderate, chronic, with Sarcocystic sporozoite, diaphragm
3. Congestion, passive, diffuse, mild, chronic with bile pigmentation, liver
4. RE cells, apoptosis, multifocal, moderate, chronic, LN
5. Hemosiderosis, diffuse, moderate, chronic, spleen
6. Esophagus, trachea: NSL
Etiological Dx.
Sarcocystis and captured myopathy
Case 5. CSVP 2019-3017 (CO18-516 T12a, ADDC, NCHU, C.L. Ho, Y.T. Weng, J.W. Liao, H.Y. Chiou)
Canine, corgi, four-month-old, intact female, 7.85 kg, showed clinical signs including gastism and paraplegia in both hindlimbs. The radiologic examination revealed multiple mineral-opacity masses on the scapulae, ribs, thoracic and lumbar spines. Computed tomography examination showed a bone-dense mass was in the T12-T13 vertebral canal.
Morphological diagnosis:
1. Osteochondroma, severe, chronic-progressive, multifocal, scapulae, vertebrae, ribs, femur.
2. Degenerative myelopathy, demyelination and neuronal necrosis, moderate to severe, chornic-progressive, multifocal, T12, T13, L3 and L5, spinal cord.
Etiological Dx.
Osteochondromatosis in a Dog
Case 6. CSVP 2019-3018(CW18-061, GIVP NCHU, H.Y. Lin, Z.Y. Lin, Y.C. Chang, J.W. Liao, H.Y. Chiou)
Malayan night heron (Gorsachius melanolophus), female, juvenile. The patient was found squatting on the road, and transferred to the Wildlife First Aid Station of the Endemic Species Research Institute for medical treatment on 8th September, 2018. During hospitalization, the patient was found refluxing after being fed and died on 12th September, 2018.
Morphological diagnosis:
3. Necrotizing hepatitis, multifocal to coalescing, severe, subacute, with focal coliform granuloma and intralesional bacterial colonies, liver.
4. Omphalitis, diffuse, severe, subacute, with intralesional bacterial colonies, yolk sac.
5. Lymphoid depletion, diffuse, severe, chronic, with intralesional bacterial colonies, bursa of Fabricius.
6. Necrosis, multifocal, moderate, acute, with intralesional bacterial colonies and lymphoid depletion, spleen.
7. Necrotizing nephritis, multifocal to coalescing, moderate, subacute, with intralesional bacterial colonies, kidney.
8. Edema, diffuse, moderate, subacute, with focal coliform granuloma in bronchus, lung.
Laboratory result:
Kidney, gallbladder, yolk sac, liver: Salmonella serogroup B (+); Circovirus (-)
Etiological Dx.
Salmonellosis in a Malayan night heron