CSVP 364 diagnosis
September 27, 2019

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 2018-9-7 CSVP 364 Diagnosis



Case 1. CSVP 2018-2995 (CH-01, NTU GIMCP, C.H. Shih, H.W. Chang)

Feline, DSH, 9-year-old, spayed female, with 5 in 1 vaccine injection history. A mass at left trunk was noticed by the owner. Surgical excision was performed in February but the mass recurred one month later.

Morphological diagnosis:

1.         Sarcoma, most likely injection-site sarcoma, left trunk skin mass

2.         IHC: Vimentin +

3.         Origin ???

Etiological Dx.

FISS (feline injection-site sarcoma)


Case 2. CSVP 2018-2996 (NTU2017-3243, NTU GIMCP, C.S. Hsueh, C.Y. Tsai, C.H. Liu)

Feline, Russian Blue, 16-year-old, castrated male. The patient presented with acute onset of paresis of Lt. forelimb and progressed to be tetraparesis. MRI revealed swelling of the C6/C7 and C7/T1 nerve roots. The right brachial plexus also showed swollen.

Morphological diagnosis:

1.         Neurolymphomatosis, large cell, with Wallerian degeneration, musculocutaneous nerve

2.         IHC: CD79a (+)

Etiological Dx.

Feline neurolymphomatosis


Case 3. CSVP 2018-2997 (2014-2238-2,-6,-10, AHRI, Y.C. Tu, J.C. Chang, W.C. Hsu, S.C. Hu)

Pig, fattening stage, was inoculated intramuscularly with hog cholera virus.

Morphological diagnosis:

1.         Spleen: more enlarged, but not infarcted

2.         Kidney: vascular endothelial damage and fibrinoid arterial changes

3.         Lymphoid: necrosis and hemorrhage

Etiological Dx.

African swine fever


Case 4. CSVP 2018-2998 (CX18025, ADDC NCYU, C.Y. Tsai, H.C Kuo, C.L. Chen, Y.C. Su, M.H. Chang, D.Y. Lo)

Layers, 187-day-old, were submitted to ADDC for disease diagnosis. The layers show clinical sign of depression.

Morphological diagnosis:

1.     Myocarditis, hemorrhagic, necrotizing, lymphocytic, multifocal ,chronic, severe
with numerous intraerythrocytic megaloschizonts

2.     Hepatitis, necrotizing, fibrous, lymphocytic, focal, chronic, moderate with intraparenchymal megaloschizont

3.     Ventriculitis, erosive, fibrous, lymphocytic, multifocal, chronic, severe with intraparenchymal megaloschizont

Etiological Dx.



Case 5. CSVP 2018-2999 (CP18-0519D, GIVP NCHU, Y.C. Chang, F.Y. Tsai, , H.Y. Chiou, J.H. Shien)

Pigeons, 4-month-old, showed clinical signs of fever, wart-like growths around the eyes and other feather-free areas of face. The pigeons died within two weeks after the clinical signs showed. Therapeutics including vaccination of Salmonella and Paramyxovirus, antipyretics and anti-chylamidia medication were given but the reaction was poor. The mortality was approximately 50%.

Morphological diagnosis:

1.   Bursa atrophy and lymphoid depletion, diffuse, chronic, moderate, with intralesional botryoid basophilic intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies, bursa of Fabricius

2.   Acanthosis and ballooning degeneration, multifocal, chronic, severe, with intralesional eosinophilic intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies, multiple skin and mucocutaneous junction

3.   Hyperkeratosis, diffuse, severe, with intralesional Trichomonas and Candida spp., crop

4.   Airsacculitis, lymphocytic, multifocal, chronic, moderate, with endothelial activation, air sac

Etiological Dx.

Young pigeon disease syndrome in racing pigeons


Case 6. CSVP 2018-3000(CO16-523 Z, GIVP NCHU, S.T. Lin, C.C. Lin, Y.L. Lin)

Horse, American Quarter, 5-year-old, 550 kg, male, was noticed of severe right hind limb lameness on 8/19, 2016. A bleeding wound (1*3 cm) was observed on the white line close to the toe. Several small stones (0.2-0.5 cm³) embedded in the opening wound were noted and also verified by radiographic images. Increased digital pulse and positive response to hoof testers were noticed during lameness examination. The patient died with unrelated diseases on 8/22.

Morphological diagnosis:

1.         SEL: swelling, thinning, lengthening, and distortion

2.         Lamellar basal epithelial cell: swelling and vacuolization

3.         Perivascular leukocyte infiltration

Etiological Dx.

Histopathology of Equine Laminitis


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