CSVP 355 diagnosis
July 30, 2018

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 2017-6-16 CSVP 355 Diagnosis



Case 1. CSVP 2017-2941 (104F-4991, Kaohsiung City APO, C.T. Wu, Y.S. Lin)

Soft-shelled turtle (Trionyx sinensis), adult. Neck weakness, elongation and hemorrhagic enteritis were noted. The cumulative mortality rate was about 80% (Sporadic to serious death).

Morphological diagnosis:

1.     Intestine: hemorrhagic and necrotic, diffuse, severe, acute to subacute, etiology: exotoxin , B. cereus group, soft-shelled turtle.

Etiological Dx.

Bacillus cereus group infection in Trionyx sinensis


Case 2. CSVP 2017-2942 (BC17002, ADDC NCYU, N. C. Twu, H.C. Kuo, C.L. Chen, Y.C. Su, M. H. Chang, D.Y. Lo)

Pig, 16-week-old, were submitted to ADDC for disease diagnosis. The pigs have showed clinical signs of yellow watery diarrhea and erythematous skin lesions since 10-week-old. The cumulative mortality rate was 10% (110/1,100).

Morphological diagnosis:

1.     Lymphadenitis, necrotizing, granulomatous, chronic, multifocal, severe, with severe lymphocyte depletion.

2.     Glomerulonephritis, interstitial, necrotizing, hemorrhagic, fibrinous, lymphocytic, chronic, multifocal, severe, with necrotizing vasculitis.

3.     Dermatitis, necrotizing , hemorrhagic, chronic, locally extensive, severe, with necrotizing vasculitis.

4.     Electrophoresis analysis-PCV2 (+)

Etiological Dx.

Porcine Dermatitis and Nephropathy Syndrome in Growing Pig


Case 3. CSVP 2017-2943 (NTU2017-0568, NTU GIMCP, B. Chen, H.W. Chang)

Tupinambis merionae(南美蜥), 13-year-old, female. The animal started to show a poor body condition but had the normal appetite from 2016/11/12. It was dead on 2017/2/27, albeit with long-term observation and Supporting therapy. Necropsy was performed on 2017/3/2.

Morphological diagnosis:

1.     Hepatitis, granulomatous, diffuse, severe, chronic, with diffuse fibrosis, bile duct proliferation and hemochromatosis, liver.

2.     Pneumonia, heterophilic, histocytic, locally-extensive, severe, acute to subacute, lung.

3.     Colitis, diffuse, moderate, acute, with submucosal edema, colon.

4.     Myocarditis, multifocal, mild to moderate, acute, heart.

5.     Fibrosis, mild to moderate, chronic, kidney

Etiological Dx.

Systemic acid-fast bacterial infection in a Tupinambis merianae


Case 4. CSVP 2017-2944 (NTU2016-1373, NTU GIMCP, C.H. Chen, C.H. Liu)

Canine, 6-year-old, mongrel, male. Anorexia and weakness were noted for several days. Pericardial effusion and ascites were identified during examination. Subtotal pericardiectomy surgery was performed for pericardial effusion. Diffusive masses under right auricle, surface of right ventricle, and inner surface of pericardium were noted during surgery.

Morphological diagnosis:

1.     Plasmacytomas are characterized by a monotonous proliferation of cells that resemble plasma cells in any other location or site of aggregation and the nuclei is less than 1.5 red cells in diameter

2.     MUM-1 (+)

Etiological Dx.

Cardiac plasmacytoma in canine


Case 5. CSVP 2017-2945 (CW17-019B, NCHU, C.H. Shih, Y.C. Tuan, P.W. Chen, F.L. Chang, J.W. Liao, H.Y. Chiou)

Formosan serow (Naemorhedus Swinhoei), male, which was rescued from Chiayi county and submitted to the Endemic Species Research Institute for treatment. The skin of all four limbs, the base of the ears bilaterally, abdomen and penis showed multiple, raised, proliferative crusty lesions measuring up to 8 cm in diameter. The variably raised nodules with occasional pustular-like lesions were noted in the mucocutaneous junction of the muzzle, nares, conjunctiva, and lips. Two weeks later, the animal was died suddenly, and the carcass was submitted for pathological examination.

Morphological diagnosis:

1.     Dermatitis, proliferative, multifocal, chronic, severe, with intracorneal pustules, acanthosis, hyperkeratosis, ballooning degeneration and eosinophilic intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies, haired skin

2.     Glossitis, ulcerative, focal, subacute, moderate, with ballooning degeneration and acanthosis, tongue

3.     Edema, diffuse, acute, severe, lung

4.     Necrosis, multifocal, acute, mild, liver

5.     PCR: Contagious pustular dermatitis (Orf)

Etiological Dx.

Contagious Pustular Dermatitis (Orf) in a Formosan Serow


Case 6. CSVP 2017-2946 (CM17-0133, NCHU, Y. C. Chang, C.H. Shih, W. F. Chang)

Pig. The pigs have showed clinical signs of weakness, seizure and skin exudates since 1-week-old. Amoxicillin was given but the curative effect was poor. The morbidity was about 6.6% (80/1,200), and the mortality was about 3.3% (40/1,200).

Morphological diagnosis:

1.     Dermatitis, suppurative and exudative, diffuse, severe, chronic-active, with hyperkeratosis, parakeratosis and multifocal ulceration, haired skin

2.     Folliculitis, suppurative, multifocal, severe, acute, haired skin

3.     Fatty change, focal, mild, liver

4.     for PCR, the result was staphylococcus hyicus positive

Etiological Dx.

Exudative Epidermitis in suckling pigs 

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