CSVP 354 diagnosis
July 30, 2018

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 2017-5-5 CSVP 354 Diagnosis



Case 1. CSVP 2017-2935 (CT170004, ADDC NCYU, J.R. Hu, H.C. Kuo, C.L. Chen, Y.C. Su, M. H. Chang, D.Y. Lo)

Goslings, 6-day-old, were submitted to ADDC for disease diagnosis. The goslings show clinical signs of diarrhea and sudden death. The accumulating mortality rate is about 5% (100/2,000).

Morphological diagnosis:

1.     Proventriculitis, necrotized, diffuse, acute, severe, with eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion body

2.     Duodenitis, atrophic, necrotized, catarrhal, segmental, acute, severe with eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion body

Etiological Dx.

Goslings Viral Enteritis (Parvovirus) in White Roman Geese


Case 2. CSVP 2017-2936 (104065-B, NTUCM LAC, Y.T. Tsai, I.S. Yu, W.P. Chen, H.W. Chen)

Mouse, Trp53-/-, 8-month-old, female. The mouse presented abdominal swelling, piloerection and hunched posture. At necropsy, a 1.3x1.3 x 1.3 cm uterine mass and enlarged spleen were observed.

Morphological diagnosis:

1.     Uterine mass: Immunohistochemical staining: Desmin and SMA - partially positive

Morphological pathology:  Uterine epithelioid leiomyosarcoma with rhabdoid features

2.     Enlarged spleen: CBC and blood smear; WBC: 208 (K/uL); WBC classification: 79 segmented neutrophils, 15 myeloid progenitor cells, 4 band neutrophils and 2 mitotic figures per 100 WBC; Immunohistochemical staining: MPO (+)

Morphological pathology: Chronic myelogenous leukemia, bone marrow, spleen, liver and kidney

Etiological Dx.

Uterine Leiomyosarcoma and Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia in a Trp53-/- Mouse


Case 3. CSVP 2017-2937 (NTU2017-0556, NTU GIMCP, H.C. Yen, H.W. Chang)

Canine, 11-year-old, Miniature Schnauzer, male castrated. Tachypnea was noted. Two lung lobes showed consolidation under radiography. Multiple enlarged lymph nodes noted under abdominal ultrasound examination. The animal was euthanized for sudden onset of dyspnea.

Morphological diagnosis:

1.     The neoplastic cells are polygonal to round, with moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. The nuclei are polygonal, rod and occasionally dented, and most of them are pyknotic. Mark anisocytosis, anisokaryosis and nuclei pleomorphism are noted

2.     Synaptophysin: +; Cytokeratin ( + ); Vimentin ( + ) ; Chromogranin A ( - ); TTF-1 ( - ); Napsin A ( - ) ; MUM-1 ( - )

Etiological Dx.

Neuroendocrine carcinoma, metastases to lung, hilar lymph nodes and mesentery, peribronchial masses


Case 4. CSVP 2017-2938 (NTU2016-3582, NTU GIMCP, C.S. Hsueh, F.I. Wang)

Canine, Schnauzer, 11-year-old, female spayed. The patient attended LVH for vomiting consultation. Endoscopy for the removal of the coin was fail in the LVH and the patient was referred to NTUVH for the surgery. During the gastrostomy, the patient had unstable anesthesia (uncontrolled tachypnea) and died.

Morphological diagnosis:

1.     Pheochromocytoma-associated cardiomyopathy, with mild lymphohistiocytic inflammation and interstitial fibrosis, the heart.

2.     Pulmonary edema, subacute to chronic, diffuse, severe, with presence of heart failure cells, lungs.

3.     Malignant pheochromocytoma with capsular and vascular invasion, the right adrenal gland.

4.     Hemoabdomen (intra-peritoneal/retroperitoneal hemorrhage) and acute to subacute, focal abdominal wall hemorrhage. (Gross)

5.     Massive hemorrhage with thrombi formation and focal nodular hyperplasia, liver.

6.     Arteriosclerosis, mild, chronic, blood vessels  

7.     Result of IHC staining shows variable positive in NSE, chromogranin-a and synatophysin in in both neoplasm, but negative result of melan could stand for the diagnosis of pheochromocytoma

Etiological Dx.

Malignant pheochromocytoma with capsular and vascular invasion, the right adrenal gland


Case 5. CSVP 2017-2939 (CO17-068A, INCHU, P.J. Chiang, H.K. Chang, H.Y. Chiou, Y. L. Lin)

American paint horse, 22-year-old. Hemoptysis was found on February 1st, 2017. Based on the physical examination, tentative diagnosis was chronic pleuropneumonia. The horse was dead and sent to ADDC-NCHU for pathological examination on February 10th, 2017.

Morphological diagnosis:

1.     Trachea: Squamous cell carcinoma, with lungs, axillary lymph node, 11th  rib, 8th  thoracic vertebrae, round ligament of uterus and abdominal adipose tissue metaplasia

2.     Lung: Pneumonia, fibrosis, focal, severe, chronic, with pulmonary edema

3.     Skeletal muscle, left hind limb: Degeneration and necrosis, locally-extensive, acute, severe, with myocytolysis and interstitial hemorrhage

4.     Kidney, cortex: Necrosis, acute, multifocal, severe, with tubular dilation and hyaline casts

Etiological Dx.

Tracheal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Metastasis to Multiple Organs with Chronic Progressive Pleuropneumonia in an American Paint Horse


Case 6. CSVP 2017-2940 (CP17-0303B3, NCHU, Y.W. Chen, C.H. Shih, C.Y. Wang, J.W. Liao, H.Y. Chiou)

Yellow-crowned amazon parrot (Amazona ochrocephala), 10-month-old. 1 out of 5 parrots died suddenly after one day of depression and anorexia. Three days later, another parrot died after showing similar signs.

Morphological diagnosis:

1.     Liver: Hepatocellular necrosis and hemorrhage, massive, diffuse, acute, with syncytia and amphophilic to basophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies

2.     Small intestine: Necrotizing, acute, multifocal, moderate, with eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies

3.     Kidney: Glomerular degeneration and tubular epithelial necrosis, acute, multifocal, mild, with eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies

4.     Liver: Hepatocellular necrosis and hemorrhage, massive, diffuse, acute, with syncytia and amphophilic to basophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies

5.     Small intestine: Necrotizing, acute, multifocal, moderate, with eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies

6.     Kidney: Glomerular degeneration and tubular epithelial necrosis, acute, multifocal, mild, with eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies

7.     PCR: Psittacid herpesvirus 1 (+) 鸚鵡疱疹病毒(PsHV)

Etiological Dx.

Pacheco’s Disease in Yellow-crowned Amazons 

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