2017-4-14 CSVP 353 Diagnosis
Case 1. CSVP 2017-2929 (NTU2017-204, NTU, J.H. Lin, H.C. Yen, F.I. Wang, H.W. Chang)
Canine, mongrel, 7-year-old, castrated male. Two masses were found on the right prescapular skin and were excised on 2/22/2015. Multiple recurred skin masses on the right arm were found one year later.
Morphological diagnosis:
1. Cutaneous Round Cell Tumor in a Labrador Retriever
2. TB: -; CD3, CD79a: ++
Etiological Dx.
1. Cutaneous T cell lymphomas, with or without locally extensive ulceration, the four masses on the right arm, Nonepitheliotropic? Epitheliotropic? Malignant T-cells expressed eosinophilic activation and trafficking factors
2. Infundibular cyst, the mass on the right hip
Case 2. CSVP 2017-2930 (NTU 2014-0710B, NTU, C.F. Kao, C.H. Liu)
Canine, Golden retriever, 7-year-old, castrated male. A mass was observed on left thigh and its size and texture changed gradually. Radiography revealed no bony involvement and the patient presented normal S/A/U/D. A hind-limbs vehicle trauma occurred two months ago.
Morphological diagnosis:
1. There are spindle-shaped cells arranged in interlacing faisicles and forming various abnormal vascular structures
2. Well-differentiated leiomyosarcomas may be composed of spindle cells with elongate nuclei with granular chromatin and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, forming broad interlacing fascicles
3. Vimentin: +;α-smooth muscle actin: + and less reactivity for desmin
Etiological Dx.
Angioleiomyosarcoma, with focal dedifferentiation and presence of osteoclastic-like multinucleated giant cells, mass from the Left thigh
Case 3. CSVP 2017-2931 (BS16001, ADDC NCYU, P.T. Lai, H.C. Kuo, C.L. Chen, Y.C. Su, M.H. Chang, D.Y. Lo)
Pekin duck, 60-day-old, were submitted to ADDC for disease diagnosis. The ducks exhibit sudden death as clinical sign. The mortality and morbidity were 20% (1,000/5,000).
Morphological diagnosis:
1. Hepatitis, heterophilic, hemorrhagic, necrotizing, multifocal, acute, severe
2. Carditis, hemorrhagic, multifocal, acute, severe
3. Enteritis, hemorrhagic, necrotizing, segmental, acute, severe
4. Pasteurella multocida type A
Etiological Dx.
Fowl Cholera in Pekin Ducks
Type A, F: Fowl cholera (fowls)
Type B, E: Hemorrhagic septicemia (ungulates)
Type D: Atrophic rhinitis (swine)
Case 4. CSVP 2017-2932 (020666, GIVP NCHU and DARWINHP, Y.C. Tuan, I.S. Lai, H.Y. Chiou, J.W. Liao.)
Hedgehog, 2-year-old, intact female, was found bloody discharge in the urine by owner. In clinic, the swollen uterus was palpated. The uterus and ovaries were removed by ovariohysterectomy (OHE) surgery and sent for the pathological diagnosis.
Morphological diagnosis:
1. Uterus: Bundles of spindle cells whirling around epithelial tubules
2. CK: +; Vimentin: -;
Etiological Dx.
Uterus Adenosarcoma in a Female Hedgehog
Case 5. CSVP 2017-2933 (CP16-1201,GIVP NCHU, H.Y. Lin, W. F. Chang, J.W. Liao)
Yellow Golden Pheasants, presented wheezing and open mouth breathing since they were moved from indoor to outdoor space after several days. The mortality was calculated to be 20/311 (6.4%) in this case.
Morphological diagnosis:
1. Rhinitis and sinusitis, diffuse, subacute,severe, nasal cavity and sinus.
2. Granulomatous typhlitis, with Heterakis infection, multifocal, chronic, severe, cecum.
3. Tubular necrosis, multifocal, acute, moderate, with calcification, kidney.
4. Fatty change, multifocal to coalescing, moderate, liver.
5. Necrosis, multifocal, acute, mild, spleen
Etiological Dx.
Upper respiratory tract infection and Heterakis infection in Yellow Golden Pheasant
Case 6. CSVP 2017-2934 (CO17-097A, NCHU-GIVP, H. K. Chang, Y. X. Lin, J. W. Liao, H. Y. Chiou)
Canine, Dachshund, 7-year-old, intact male, with incomplete vaccination record had been kept in the room painted with '' waterproof paint '' on 2017/02/14. The dog presented dyspnea after it stayed in the room for about 3 hours. Clinical pathology exam showed leukocytosis, mild acidosis, and high ALP value. The dog died on 2017/02/23.
Morphological diagnosis:
Lung: Pneumonia, interstitial, fibrotic, diffuse, severe, subacute to chronic
Etiological Dx.
Toxic pneumonitis in a dog by inhalation with waterproofed spray