Case 1. CSVP 2016-2899 (S151388-2, NLAC, C.T. Liang, Y.L. Chen)
Mouse, wet tissues submitted for histopathological diagnosis.
Morphological diagnosis:
1. Uterus: Arteriole thrombosis and hemosiderosis, necrotizing, chronic-active, organizing, severe, myometrium
2. Skin: abdominal ulcerative dermatitis and mammary gland hyperplasia
Etiological Dx.
Arteriole thrombosis in S151388, FVB mouse
Case 2. CSVP 2016-2900 (CX16010, ADDC NCYU, M.Y. Chiou, H.C. Kuo, C.L. Chen, Y.C. SU, M.H. Chang, D.Y. Lo)
Layer, 120-day-old, showed clinical signs of emaciation. The morbidity was 50% (1,000/2,000). The culling rate was 50% (1,000/2,000).
Morphological diagnosis:
1. Laryngotracheitis, necrotizing, proliferative, focal, subacute, severe with squamous metaplasia, eosinophilic intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies and basophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies
Etiological Dx.
Fowlpox Infection and suspected Adenovirus or Herpesvirus Infection in layers
Case 3. CSVP 2016-2901 (NTU2015-3025, NTU, W.T. Li, C. H. Liu)
Canine, 1-year-old, Male. The patient showed progressive lower motor neuron signs from hindlimb to forelimb. Voice change and difficulties in Swallow were noted. Other cranial nerve examinations were generally normal. The patient was suddenly dead.
Morphological diagnosis:
1. Leukoencephalomyelitis, multifocal to coalescing, moderate to severe, chronic, with axonal degeneration, demyelination, astrogliosis, reactive microglia, cerebrum, cerebellum, and spinal cord
2. Polyneuritis, multifocal to coalescing, mild to severe, subacute to chronic, with axonal degeneration, demyelination, and central chromatolysis, peripheral nerves and spinal nerve roots
Etiological Dx.
Leukoencephalomyelitis/Polyneuritis: Autoimmune Response to the Myelin ?
Case 4. CSVP 2016-2902 (NTU2015-1503, GIMCP, NTU, S.H. Kuo, H.W. Chang) –
Canine, beagle, 11-year-old, spayed female. The patient was first presented to NTUVH for MGT on 104.5.1. Rt. chain mastectomy and Lt. 5th lumpectomy were performed and diagnosed as adenocarcinoma with bilateral inguinal lymph node metastasis. One month later, CT scanning revealed 2 large and oval masses in bilateral thyroid glands, with the Lt. one being larger. Enlarged Lt. retropharyngeal lymph node, pulmonary metastasis, and hypercalcemia were also observed. Lt. thyroidectomy and parathyroidectomy were performed
Morphological diagnosis:
1. Pattern A is characterized by round to polygonal cells arranged in broad sheets, nests and cords subdivided by a delicate fibrovascular stroma.
2. The neoplastic cells form compactly cellular areas with occasioanl formation of follicular structures filled with lightly eosinophilic substance, suggestive of colloid
3. On occasion, some patchy, pale eosinophilic and acellular stroma is noted in the neoplastic growth; amyloid deposits are highly suspected.
4. These neoplastic cells possess indistinct cell borders, moderate amounts of eosinophilic granular to vacuolated cytoplasm, and an irregularly round nucleus with stippled to coarse chromatin and variably distinct nucleoli. Mitoses are infrequently.
5. Stromal amyloid deposits are common in C cell neoplasms of humans and animals
Etiological Dx.
C cell carcinoma with concurrent parathyroid carcinoma
Case 5. CSVP 2016-2903(CS16-0612, ADDC-NCHU, C.H. Shih, W.F. Chang)
Feline, 2-year old, intact female. The left hindlimb ruptured mass was submitted for pathological examination on 2016/06/02.
Morphological diagnosis:
1. Granulomatous dermatitis, with yeast form organisms infection, diffuse, chronic, severe, mass of left paw
Etiological Dx.
Cryptococcosis in a Cat
Case 6. CSVP 2016-2904 (CO16-175, GIVP-NCHU, P.Y. Lue, P.H. Chan, J.P. Kao, J.W. Liao)
African hedgehog, 4.5-year-old, intact female. Intermittent hematuria was noted in clinic. A uterine mass was tentatively diagnosed. Ovariohysterectomy was performed and wet tissue was submitted for histopathology.
Morphological diagnosis:
Spindle cell LMS is typically composed of elongated cells with eosinophilic fibrillary cytoplasm and elongated blunt-ended nuclei
Etiological Dx.
Uterine Leiomyosarcoma in an African Hedgehog