1. CSVP 2016-2881 (104P-231 Kaohsiung City Animal Protection Office, C.Y. Ma, A.T. Huang, K.C. Lin, C.H. Yang, W.C. Chen, J.P. Hsu)
Canaries (Serinus canaria) underwent anorexia and severe emaciation. The dead bird was submitted to diagnosis. Proventricular mucosa smears examined by Gram’s stain at microscopy enabled the observation of gram positive, large rod-shaped organisms.
Morphologic diagnosis
A. Proventriculus: proventriculitis, necrotized, severe, chronic, locally extensive with mononuclear inflammatory cell infiltrations in lamina propriae and numerous megabacteriae on the mucosa surface.
B. Duodenum to jejunum: enteritis, necrotized, moderate, chronic, segmental, with coccidiae.
Etiological Dx.: Coccidiosis and Megabacteriosis in a Canary(Serinus canaria)
2. CSVP 2016-2882 (R0128B, ADIB AHRI, C.C. Chien, S.H. Lee)
Rabbit, New Zealand White, 8-week-old, female. This rabbit was sent to ADIB for necropsy from a rabbit husbandry which recently encountered an episode of increased death rate in weanlings. Affected rabbits showed depression, sticky to watery diarrhea with dark-green feces staining around the anus. Fecal examination of these rabbits had no significant finding.
Morphologic diagnosis
A. Coagulative necrosis, mutifocal, moderate, subacute, with peri-lesional intracellular filamentous bacteria compatible with Clostridium piliforme infection, liver.
B. Typhlitis, severe, acute to subacute, necrotizing and edematous, transmural, with serosal hemorrhage and infiltration of heterophils and lymphoplasmocytic cells, cecum.
C. Colitis, moderate, acute to subacute, necrotizing and edematous, transmural, with infiltration of heterophils and lymphoplasmocytic cells, ascending colon.
FinalDx.: rabbit Tyzzer's disease but bacteria did not show in the scanned slide
3. CSVP 2016-2883 (104049-B, NTUCM LAC, Y.T. Tsai, I.S. Yu, W.P. Chen, H.W. Chen)
Mouse, p53 +/- transgenic, 1.5-month-old, female. The transgenic mouse presented abdominal swelling, and the gross appearance revealed nodular, white-yellow adipose tissues arising from the myometrium of uterus.
Uterine dedifferentiated liposarcoma with leiomyosarcomatous differentiation in a transgenic mouse
A. CDK4(+), MDM2(+), Desmin(+), and SMA(+): Uterine dedifferentiated liposarcoma with leiomyosarcomatous differentiation.
B. Well-differentiated liposarcoma, ovaries and oviducts.
4. CSVP 2016-2884 (NTU2015-2435, Lei-Ya Wang, Fun-In Wang)
Canine, Beagle, 11-year-old, castrated male. Hematuria has been noticed since 2014. Abdominal ultrasound showed irregular mucosal surface of urinary bladder, and few mass-like images were noted on apex of UB wall on 2015/08/31. Cystotomy and UB wall biopsy was performed on 2015/9/21.
Plasmacytoid urothelial cell carcinoma in a dog
5. CSVP 2016-2885 (NTU2015-2545, NTU, C.H. Chen, H.W. Chang)
Canine, Chihuahua, 8-year-old, intact female. Left axillary and mammary gland masses were noted and excised on Oct. 4, 2015.
Histiocytic sarcoma in a dog
6. CSVP 2016-2886 (CS15-0921A, GIVP-NCHU, C.Y. Lo, M.P. Cheng, W.F. Chang)
Canine, Beagle, 12-year-old, a tumor was found on right posterior limb, clinical sign of Beagle showed fever. The outside surface of tumor was found ulceration. Its size is 7.1 cm x5.6 cm x4.6 cm.
Peripheral nerve sheath tumors in a beagle dog.