Case 1. CSVP 2015-2857 (S14-1332-1, NLAC, C.T. Liang, Y.L. Chen)
Mouse, wet tissues submitted for histopathological diagnosis.
Morphologic diagnosis:
Liposarcoma, testis, mouse.
Case 2. CSVP 2015-2858 (104P110-1, Kaohsiung City Animal Protection Office, C.H. Yang, W.C. Chen, J.P. Hsu)
Canine, Black Labrador, 13-year-old, abdominal subcutaneous mass, about the size of 6.0 x 3.0 x 2.0 cm.
Morphologic diagnosis:
Panniculitis, locally extensive, severe, chronic-active, haired skin, dog.
Case 3. CSVP 2015-2859 (NTU2015-0887C, NTU, J.H. Lin, C.R. Jeng)
White-bellied sea eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster), Male, 34-year-old. Anorexia and decreased activity were noted for a long time without improvement after medication. At necropsy, a large, infiltrative mass was found involving the lung lobe, air sac, dorsal thoracic cavity, the lumbosacral bone, and the right kidney
Case 4. CSVP 2015-2860 (NTU2015-0800C, NTU, S.H. Kuo, V.F. Pang)
Reptile (Chelonia mydas), adult, female. A green sea turtle found floating in the sea nearby the coast was rescued and sent for rehabilitation. She presented with anorexia, imbalance, and nasal foamy discharge, and died following 2 days of supportive treatment. Postmortem examination revealed multiple variably sized, mottled white yellow, firm nodules throughout almost all organs.
Morphologic diagnosis:
1. Pancarditis (vegetative endocarditis, myocarditis and pericarditis), necrotizing, fibrinous and granulomatous, chronic active, multifocal to coalescent, severe, with intralesional spirorchiid trematode eggs and bacterial colonies, heart.
2. Panarteritis, fibrinonecrotic to fibrosing, chronic active, severe, with intralesional spirorchiid trematode eggs and bacterial colonies, aorta and arteries in various organs.
3. Pneumonia, granulomatous and necrotizing, chronic active, multifocal to coalescent, severe, with intralesional spirorchiid trematode eggs and bacterial colonies, lung.
4. Hepatitis, granulomatous and necrotizing, chronic active, multifocal to coalescent, moderate to severe, with intralesional spirorchiid trematode eggs and bacterial colonies, liver.
5. Splenitis, granulomatous to necrotizing, chronic active, multifocal to coalescent, severe to marked, with intralesional spirorchiid trematode eggs and bacterial colonies, spleen.
6. Interstitial nephritis, granulomatous and necrotizing, chronic active, multifocal, mild, with intralesional spirorchiid trematode eggs and bacterial colonies, kidney.
7. Cystitis, granulomatous and necrotizing, chronic active, multifocal, moderate, with mucosal hyperplasia, urinary bladder.
8. Enteritis, granulomatous and erosive, chronic active, multifocal, moderate, with intralesional spirorchiid trematode eggs and bacterial colonies, gastrointestinal tracts.
9. Meningoencephalitis and ventriculitis, granulomatous and necrotizing, chronic active, multifocal to coalescent, severe, with intralesional spirorchiid trematode eggs and bacterial colonies, brain.
Case 5. CSVP 2015-2861 (BL15004, ADDC NCYU, C. Hung, H.C. Kuo, C.L. Chen, D.Y. Lo, Y.C. Su)
Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris tigris), 15-year-old, male, captive bred. A reddish, swelling and ulcerative wound at ventral neck was found in Sep, 2014. A 6 cm in diameter mass was found inside the lesion during debridement on Nov. 25", 2014. As the condition deteriorated, the lesion started bleeding and the patient died. The remains were donated to NCYU for academic research, and was submitted to ADDC for autopsy on Jan. 26", 2015.
Morphologic diagnosis:
Metastatic squamous cell carcinoma with osteo-cartilaginous metaplasia.
Case 6. CSVP 2015-2862 (CO15-425, GIVP-NCHU, P.Y. Lue, Y.T. Lai, C.C. Lin, J.P. Kao, J.W. Liao)
Hamster, one-year-old, left kidney was swelling and suspected to be hydronephrosis in clinic. A cystic like structure containing with yellow to white liquid was noted in the mass of mammary gland.
Morphologic diagnosis:
1. Papillary adenoma, eosinophilic epithelial cell type, multifocal, severe, left kidney.
2. Polycystic nephrosis, multifocal, chronic, severe, left kidney.
3. Pilomatricoma, multifocal, severe, skin.
4. Hyperplasia of mammary gland, mild, mammary gland.