result of 340th CSVP
October 27, 2015

 Case 1. CSVP 2015-2851 (S14-1417, NLAC, C.T. Liang, Y.L. Chen)

Mouse, wet tissue submitted for histopathological diagnosis.

Morphologic diagnosis:

Trichoepithelioma type, hair follicle tumor, mouse.


Case 2. CSVP 2015-2852 (2014-3019-9, AHRI & NTU, Y.C. Tu, J.C. Chang, T.M. Huang, L.C. Chen)

Lanyu pig, 5-month-old, showed clinical signs of fever, anorexia, depression, dyspnea and severe respiratory signs.

Morphologic diagnosis:

Granulomatous pleuro-bronchopneumonia, locally extensive, subacute-chronic, severe, with lesional calcification, lung, pig.

Contributer Dx.  Mycoplasma inf.

Case 3. CSVP 2015-2853 (TSN15010, ADDC NCYU, C.H. Lin, H.C. Kao, C.L.Chen, D.Y. Lo)

Piglets, 1~6-day-old, showed clinical signs of bloody diarrhea, cyanosis and depression. The morbidity was 1% (4/400) and the mortality was 0.25% (1/400).

Morphologic diagnosis:

Enteritis, necrotized, hemorrhagic, acute, segmental, severe, with bacilli, pig


Case 4. CSVP 2015-2854 (BG15007, ADDC NCYU, Y.Y Wang, H.C Kuo, C.L.Chen, D.Y. Lo)

Laying chicks, 7-day-old, showed clinical signs of head tilt and twisted neck at hatch. The morbidity was 3% (990/33,000).

Morphologic diagnosis:

Meningoencephalitis, heterophilic granulomatous, locally extensive, subacute to chronic, severe, brain, chicks


Case 5. CSVP 2015-2855 (CP15-0110, ADDC-NCHU, M.P. Chen, W.F. Chang)

Canary, 3~4-week-old, showed respiratory signs. The canary breeding farm reared about 200 canaries. The morbidity and mortality were both about 5%.

Morphologic diagnosis:

Pneumonia, necro-granulomatous, focally extensive, severe, with intrahistiocytic coccobacilli, lung, canary

Interstitial, neutrophilic and histiocytic, focally extensive, moderate with peribronchial, peribronchiolar, and perivascular lymphoplasmacytic proliferation, lung, canary.

Case 6. CSVP 2015-2856 (CO15-169, IVP-NCHU, J.H. Yin, W.N. Chi, J.P. Kao, J.w. Liao)
Pigeon, 13-year-old, male. Yellowish masses, with crust and ulceration on the surface, were gradually enlarged around both eyelids since two years ago. Surgical excision of the skin masses were performed. The masses were sent for pathological examination.
Morphologic diagnosis: Xanthoma, chronic, skin, pigeon

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