CSVP 409 diagnosis
January 14, 2025

相關檔案:409 csvp dignosis with figs.pdf

409 CSVP Contributor Diagnosis

Date: Jan 10, 2025

Time: 13 : 00~16 : 00

Place: NCHU



Case 1. CSVP 2025-3266 (NTU2024-1297, GIMCP, Y.Y. Lo, Y. Chong, and C.H. Shih)

Feline, mixed, male intact, 1 year old. Abdominal enlargement was noted for at least 2 months. Ultrasonography was performed and revealed a hyperechogenic mass originated from or highly adhesive with the left kidney. Laparotomy with mass removal were then performed, and the mass was considered as the abnormal left kidney.

Morphologic diagnosis :

Kidney: The mass is encapsulated and compress the adjacent renal parenchyma. The neoplasm is mainly composed of a triphasic mixture of epithelium, blastema and myxomatous mesenchymal tissues. These neoplastic cells have indistinctly bordered and scant to moderate amount of cytoplasm, round to oval nucleus with stippled chromatin and inconspicuous nucleoli. Marked anisokaryosis is noted and the mitotic count is about 37 per 10 HPFs (2.37 mm2). Another portion mainly composed of blastemal cells. Polygonal cells with a large amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm.

Lab. examination:

IHC markers:

Blastema: WT-1*, Vimentin, PAX-8, CD57 (+/-)

Epithelium: WT-1(+/-), CK, PAX-8 (+/-)

Stroma: vimentin, desmin (+/-)

All components: negative for neuronal-specific cell markers (e.g. GFAP, SYN, NeuN, TNF)

Dx: Nephroblastoma, with lymphoplasmacytic interstitial nephritis, left kidney mass


切片名稱:Case 2. NTU2024-1152

Case 2. CSVP 2025-3267 (NTU2024-1152, GIMCP, J.L. Ku and W.H. Huang)

Canine, Fox terrier, Fsp, 11 y/o. Left forelimb subcutaneous mass was found by owner 2 weeks ago. FNA revealed spindle cell tumor. Excisional biopsy was performed. The mass was embedded between forelimb muscles.

Morphologic diagnosis :


1.     The mass comprises a demarcated but unencapsulated multilobulated neoplasm. The polygonal neoplastic cells are arranged in sheets. Some resemble normal adipocytes; others are variably bordered and have abundant eosinophilic to pale vacuolated cytoplasm containing small clear vacuoles.

2.     Their nuclei are round to oval, centrally located, and vesicular with stippled chromatin and 1-2 nucleoli.

3.     Moderate anisocytosis and anisokaryosis are noted. The mitotic count is 6 per 10 HPFs (2.37 mm2).  

4.     Lipoblasts are present in liposarcomas and have a hyperchromatic nucleus scalloped by single or multiple, cytoplasmic, optically empty and sharply edged, lipid vacuoles.

5.              Large numbers of macrophages, lymphocytes, plasma cells, and some neutrophils infiltrate the peripheral region of the neoplasm, which is surrounded by striated muscle fibers

Lab. examination:

IHC: Iba-1 (-); uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) for Hibernoma: (-);

liposarcoma: MDM2, CDK4; lipid stains, such as Oil‐red‐O, of frozen sections, confirm the presence of fat globules in areas of clear vacuolation and confirm the diagnosis.

Dx: Well-differentiated inflammatory-type liposarcoma


切片名稱:Case 3. 3503

Case 3. CSVP 2025-3268 (PIBC24-3503, PIBC, W.T. Li)

Leopard gecko, 8-year-old, male. Multiple intracoelomic masses

Morphologic diagnosis :

Intracoelomic mass:

1.     The lesion presents as smooth white to pale yellow raised nodules or plaques in the mass.

2.     Lipid‐filled macrophages and multinuclear gain cells are seen forming granulomas, often associated with cholesterol clefts. Sheets of lipid‐filled macrophages, with scattered cholesterol clefts, and background lymphocytes, plasma cells, and neutrophils.

Systemic (multicentric):

  Multiple organs affected: Brain, lungs, pericardium, liver, fat bodies, ovary


  Brain and ovary


Dx: Xanthomatosis



切片名稱:Case 4. CLP24004

Case 4. CSVP 2025-3269 (CLP-24004, Ceva Co. Ltd, C.Y. Juan, T.H. Hsu, C.H. Yang, C.H. Hsu, C.C. Hsu, N.K. Yu)

Nursery pig, 10-week-old. Clinical signs included fever, dyspnea, coughing, cyanosis of the ears, swelling of the joints, and neurological signs. The morbidity rate is 10% (100/1,140), and the mortality rate is high.

Morphologic diagnosis :

Lung: bronchopneumonia, purulent, multifocal to locally extensive, acute to subacute, severe

Interstitial pneumonia, proliferative, locally extensive to diffuse, acute to subacute, moderate to severe

Liver: serositis, fibrinoid & purulent, diffuse, subacute to chronic, moderate to severe

Heart: epicarditis, fibrinoid & purulent, locally extensive to diffuse, subacute, severe

Lab. examination:

PCR: PCV2 (-), Mycoplasma hyorhinis (+)


Dx: Polyserositis in nursery pigs
切片名稱:Case 5. CP23-01008C

Case 5. CSVP 2025-3270 (CP23-01008, ADDC NCHU, P.C. Hsu, S.W. Chen, H.Y. Chiou, J.W. Liao, and H.Y. Wu)

Broiler breeders, 9-week-old, showed pale skin, subcutaneous hemorrhage, plantar wounds, prostration and bloody dysentery. The morbidity rate was 5% (200/4000) and the mortality rate was 1.25% (50/4000).

Morphologic diagnosis :

Bone marrow: Panmyelophthisis, fatty infiltration, severe, chronic, diffuse, with intralesional bacterial colonies and osteomyelitis.

Cecum: Intraepithelial apicomplexan schizonts, zygote and trophozoite, severe, segmental, with necrohemorrhagic typhlitis.

Bursa of Fabricius: Lymphoid depletion, follicular, moderate, chronic, diffuse, with hemorrhage.

Spleen: Lymphoid depletion, severe, chronic, diffuse, with fibrotic exudates

Skeletal muscle: Necrosis and hemorrhage, severe, acute, multifocal, with intralesional bacterial colonies

Plantar surface, foot: Pododermatitis (bumblefoot), ulcerative, severe, chronic, multifocal, with bacterial colonies

Lab. examination:

E. coli (+);

PCR: Chicken anemia virus (+)                   

Dx: Coccidiosis and chicken infectious anemia in broiler breeders


切片名稱:Case 6. CS24-07119

Case 6. CSVP 2025-3271 (CS24-07119, ADDC NCHU, W.W. Wang, J.W.Liao, and H.Y.Chiou)

Feline, mongrel, adult, castrated male. Upon examination, anemia and generalized splenomegaly were indicated. The patient was negative for hemoparasites and ANA, but was positive for the Coombs test. Despite treatment, the patient’s condition persisted, therefore, splenectomy was performed and the spleen was submitted for histopathological examination.

Morphologic diagnosis :


1.     Decrease in the red pulp with polygonal or histiocytoid, binucleated with cytoplasmic vacuoles are noted in tumor cells. Well metachromatic granulated mast cells are readily recognized on H&E‐stained sections but less well‐granulated mast cells may be recognized only as poorly differentiated round cells, and special stains such as toluidine blue are required for metachromatic granules identification.

2.     Mast cell tumor, atypical / histiocytic-like, with marked erythrophagocytosis, spleen

Lab. examination:

Toluidine blue: Blue-purple intracytoplasmic granules (+)

Giemsa: Red-purple intracytoplasmic granules (+)

Immunohistochemistry (IHC): Iba-1 (-); Erythrophagocytes (-)

Dx: Splenic Mast Cell Tumor (MCT) in a cat 

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