標題: ASCM 亞洲保育醫學學會的傑出發表獎學金
申請資格: 野生動物保育相關主題的發表都可以申請 (但申請人必須小於40歲),申請表格如附加檔案。
Dear all,
We are pleased to announce that from the coming ASCM Meeting in Bali, Indonesia, there will be Excellence Research Publication Award for the participants. This we hope can be part of the recognization of the efforts, as well as the encouragement especially to the young researchers and practitioners to "communicate" and contribute more to the scientific publications.
The application form is attached and together, you should submit the soft copy of the publication to Dr. Manabu ONUMA at monuma@nies.go.jp who will be conducting the review with other committees. More details are in the application form and should you have further queries, please do not hesitate to contact anyone of us.
Thank you.
相關檔案:Research award-apply Ver.1.docx