Dr. King 逝世 本會追悼文 (請韓海倫博士轉誌追思會)
May 13, 2016

 In Memoriam: John M. King (1927-2016)


       Dr. John M. King is a legend in veterinary medicine and well-known for veterinary pathologists in Taiwan by his two books: An Atlas of General Pathology Vol. I (with Special Reference to Swine Diseases) and Vol. II. By the content and the photos in the books we got the chance to know this extremely experienced great master of anatomic pathology. Moreover, he is also frequently mentioned by our two teachers: Dr. Fu-Ming Wu and Dr. Cheng-I Liu that he is really a master and able to make logical inference of pathogenesis fluently with ease when they were together in the necropsy room of Cornell University. Both of our teachers also told us some amazing stories happened in the necropsy room of Cornell University. Therefore, as a student we had the chance to know the Yoda of veterinary pathology community in the United States and to experience his infinite passion for the education and his effort to promote veterinary pathology to another level.

       This marvelous master visited Taiwan three times in order to provide us with guidance on the diagnostic capability of veterinary pathology. During his visit on May 2010, Dr. King visited three universities and two research institutes. These educational activities surely contained “necropsy show and tell” and the animal categories were pet animals and ruminants. The topic that Dr. King addressed was “Have Knife, Will Travel”. The meaning is that the pathologist is like a wandering knight who uses his knife to eradicate the evils in front and makes the truth even more clear. Dr. King is very generous because he provided his slide collections online for diagnosis and learning by pathologists and students for free. The website address is “Dr. John M. King's Necropsy Show and Tell”. (https://secure.vet.cornell.edu/nst/)

       Lastly, I would like to represent the members of Chinese Society for Veterinary Pathology in Taiwan and all the veterinary pathology enthusiasts

 to express my greatest honor and memoriam to this leader and educator in veterinary pathology. The education and diagnostic ability of veterinary pathology in Taiwan may not be advaced without Dr. King’s grand contribution.


Dr. Cheng-Chung Lin

Chairman of Chinese Society for Veterinary Pathology in Taiwan

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