相關檔案:404 csvp dignosis with figs.pdf
Date: May 24, 2024
Time: 12 : 00~16 : 00
Place: NCHU
專題演講(12:00~13:00):經濟動物疾病的肉眼病變 (屏科大 陳雅媚 老師)
切片名稱:Case 1. NTU2024-0085C
Case 1. CSVP 2024-3236 (NTU2024-0085, GIMCP, J.L. Ku and Y.C. Chang)
Cattle, dairy cow, female, 2-week-old. After being fed colostrum for the first 3 days following birth, the calf was subsequently fed with pasteurized waste milk. On the 8th day, diarrhea started and persisted for 3~4 days. The mother cow did not show any specific symptoms, but many other calves experienced diarrhea, with an annual mortality rate of 70 calves.
Morphologic diagnosis :
Enteritis, necrotizing and eosinophilic, multifocal, acute, moderate, with intralesional protozoan and villus atrophy, jejunum, ileum, and ileocecal valve
Gastritis, purulent, multifocal, acute, mild, abomasum
Lymphadenitis, eosinophilic, mild to moderate, with edema and histiocytosis, mesentery lymph node
Lymphadenitis, purulent, mild to moderate, with edema and histiocytosis, pharyngeal and pulmonary hilar lymph nodes
Edema and congestion, multifocal, severe, lung
Lab. examination:
Bacterial isolation: Escherichia coli (+)
Cryptosporidium parvum (+);
Bovine rotavirus, Bovine coronavirus, BVDV (-)
Dx: Cryptosporidiosis in a Dairy Calf.
切片名稱:Case 2.NTU2024-0054
Case 2. CSVP 2024-3237 (NTU2024-0054, GIMCP, C.Y. Tsai and W.H. Huang)
Hamster, male, 1-year-old. A mass located at Lt. flank was diagnosed as atypical fibrosarcoma in November 2023. On January 7, 2024, two adjacent masses at the cervical subcutis near the chest were noted and subsequently excised. The two masses had a soft texture. The mass on the right side was loosely packed, and the one on the left side was clustered.
Morphologic diagnosis :
SC: At low magnification, there are abundant collagen fibers infiltrated by multifocal to coalescing areas of densely cellular growth, which is non-encapsulated and poorly demarcated. The growth is composed of neoplastic cells that are arranged in sheets. The neoplastic cells have round to oval with indistinct cell borders and foamy amphophilic cytoplasm. Their nuclei are eccentric and round with fine chromatin and a conspicuous nucleolus. Occasionally, binucleated neoplastic cells are observed. There is extracellular fibrillar collagenous matrix accumulating around the neoplastic cell. Anisocytosis and anisokaryosis are moderate. The mitotic count is 1 per 10 HPFs.
Lab. examination:
Masson’s trichrome (+)
Toluidine blue, Giemsa (-)
Dx: Atypical fibrosarcomas in a dwarf hamster
切片名稱:Case 3. WA113-082-2
Case 3. CSVP 2024-3238 (WA113-082, ADDC NPUST, T.M. Tate, C.A. Yang, Y.H. Hsieh, and Y.C. Li)
Columba livia野鴿, female, adult, died on 2024/04/09. During necropsy, accumulation of caseous material was noted in the oral cavity.
Morphologic diagnosis :
Stomatitis, chronic active, severe, multifocal to coalescing, transmural, granulomatous, heterophilic, with orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis, oral cavity
Osteomyelitis, chronic, severe, focal, granulomatous, with myositis, skull
Lab. examination:
PAS stain: These have a pink to red cytoplasm and a darker red to purple nuclei and are of similar size to that expected of T. gallinae trophozoites
PCR: Avian poxvirus (-)
Dx: Trichomonas gallinae Infection in a Rock Pigeon
切片名稱:Case 4. 239801203
Case 4. CSVP 2024-3239 (239801202, Medgaea Life Sciences Ltd., C.J. Yu and J.W. Liao)
Rat, Sprague-Dawley, 10-week-old, female. No clinical signs or gross findings were noted in a muscular implantation study of the test article for 4 weeks
Morphologic diagnosis:
Kidney: Mineralization, tubule, multifocal, slight, kidney
Lab. examination:
Alizarin red S (+)
Dx: Renal mineralization in rats
切片名稱:Case 5. CM22-10001
Case 5. CSVP 2024-3240 (CM22-10001, ADDC NCHU, P.C. Liu, Y.L. Chuang, Y.H. Liu, H.Y. Chiou, J.W. Liao, and C.Y. Yang)
Pigs, 10~14-week-old, showed growth retardation and respiratory signs. The morbidity was 40% and the mortality was 20%.
Morphologic diagnosis:
Pneumonia, interstitial, diffuse, moderate, chronic, lungs (3/3)
Bronchopneumonia, purulent and hemorrhagic, multifocal, mild, acute, lungs (2/3)
Lymphadenitis, granulomatous, severe, diffuse, chronic, with lymphoid depletion and botryoid inclusion bodies, lymph nodes, peyer’s patches, and spleens (3/3)
Nephritis, interstitial, lymphocytic, multifocal, mild, subacute, kidney (3/3)
Meningoencephalitis, lymphocytic, diffuse, mild, chronic, with perivascular cuffing, cerebrum and cerebellum (1/3)
Lab. examination:
Pasteurella multocida (+)
PCR: PCV2 (+), PCV3 (+);
Dx: Pasteurella Infection Secondary to PCV2-Associated Systemic Disease in Pigs
切片名稱:Case 6. CM24-03007
Case 6. CSVP 2024-3241(CM24-03007, ADDC NCHU and HIPRA Taiwan, X.R. Yang, G.S. Chen, Y.H. Liu, C.K. Hsu, L.C. Chen, C.Y. Chang, and H.Y. Chiou)
Piglets, 3-week-old, showed low crouched posture, paraparesis and reluctance to walk, with neurological symptom and sudden death. The morbidity rate was 30% and the mortality rate was 50%, respectively.
Morphologic diagnosis:
Cerebrum: Meningoencephalitis, non-suppurative, moderate, multifocal, with lymphocytic perivascular cuffing, neuronal degeneration, necrosis, and eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies
Liver: Necrosis, mild to moderate, subacute, multifocal
Lung: Pneumonia, interstitial, mild to moderate, subacute, diffuse, with locally-extensive suppurative bronchopneumonia
Tonsil: Tonsillitis, necrotic, multifocal, moderate
Adrenal gland: Necrosis, mild, subacute, multifocal
Kidney: Nephritis, interstitial, moderate, chronic, locally-extensive
Lab. examination:
PCR: Pseudorabies virus (+);
Dx: Pseudorabies in Suckling Pigs